421 - 430

35 2 3

#AnonymousConfessions 421:
i know who invented the ball point pen...
John Loud~~
it's not a confession but it's just to enhance your G.K ;P


#AnonymousConfessions 422:
When i came back to the thread I had 69 unread messages...lol
then i went away and came back again I had 96 unread messages... O.o O.O o.O
not kidding ...

#AnonymousConfessions 423:
I have watched only one piece(episode) of One piece...pun intended And I will not watch it further...because it's waaaaaaaaaaayyyy too long!!


#AnonymousConfessions 424:
I just joined the 'lab experiment group' but i don't have a single clue what it is or does or its purpose or anything...someone explain plz...


#AnonymousConfessions 425:

As terrible as it is to say, I really would be somewhat relieved if my abusive ex killed themselves as they've threatened to do since our breakup. At least then the negativity would be gone from my life. Though it makes me sad, I believe the relief would outweigh it.

#AnonymousConfessions 426:
i'm not a fan of "people" ...people can be cruel...but i don't know why I value their memory so much...??I have boxes full of useless stuff starting from an eraser-pierced-with-a-nib-of-pen(my childhood friend and neighbour had a beyblade phase) to dried petal of a rose I got in my 10th grade farewell; which are my treasure!!!


#AnonymousConfessions 427:
I don't tell people my favorite songs...I feel if they hear it the song might lose its importance for me...and I feel the song gets violated by other hearing it...I just tell people any random song or any trendy song which they've heard of but NEVER my true fav...

I don't listen to my fav songs often...I'm scared I might get bored of it(BUt i will NEVER get bored of it!!)...

#AnonymousConfessions 428:

I sometimes..stalk @LaughingMan109 .........


#AnonymousConfessions 429:
#AnonymousConfessions 428 was not by anon... it was by me ...lol...It was from the same confessor as #AnonymousConfessions 427...


#AnonymousConfessions 430:
@LaughingMan109 don't u get suppper curious to know the people who confessed so much! I would have died of curiosity !!!!!!!!!agh!!


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