771 - 780

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#AnonymousConfessions 771:
Hello. I am a virgin, and sometimes I just really want someone who knows what they're doing to just- ya know- fuck the shit out of me. I always wonder is it okay to be this horny? Every time I masturbate, the answer is yes. (BTW, everyone should try to masturbate! It's a good time my dudes).

#AnonymousConfessions 772:@LaughingMan109 I am going to do that. Thank you for hyping me up! I'll keep updating on whatever happens. This is the first time I'm doing something like this. The last time I had crush on a guy I let it go because he was too shy and wasn't taking any initiative. I just realized I like the shy type.

#AnonymousConfessions 773:
It's weird how I've finally adjusted to how life is now without you. I realize that you weren't even good for me in the first place. I would always get so anxious at the thought of talking to you as if i were chasing the end of the rope to safety. I thought you were my safety. My happiness. But you weren't. At the end of the day, you weren't even a friend. We just expected so much from each other. I expected you to understand and you expected me to feel the same way. Sure, i won't ever talk to anyone like I've talked to you before but maybe that's not such a loss. Everyone's different. And I'm different along with them. You and me is different from me and say, C or N. I'm happy where i am with my friends who support me and family who loves unconditionally. I'm medicated now so mentally, I've been better as well. I've been growing and learning. I know you have your own struggles, so I'm honestly just hoping you're coping through them well too. I still love you in a way. I want you to be the best you can be. Might we never see each other again, i guess it's fine. I'm finding my own way around life.

#AnonymousConfessions 774:
A few months ago, I was inches away from a fight that broke out between some guys I thought I could trust. I had a debilitating panic attack right after that fight and had to skip the rest of my classes for that day. I've seen the guys around my campus and my heart still races (in a bad way), my entire body shakes and I feel as if I can't breathe when I'm around them even for a moment. Today, one of them approached me and tried to flirt with me while I was trying to buy some lunch from our college café. I pretty much ran away from him. The whole incident caused me to have a really nasty panic attack, but I managed to make it through the day. I feel so bad about crying all afternoon. I know it's stupid to be shaken up like this, but nothing I've done seems to help. I can't confront the guys who had the fight months ago. The whole incident was resolved for them really quickly, but it's stuck with me for months. They didn't harass me or anything like that outside of a bit of seemingly harmless flirting. I really don't know what to do. I don't feel safe around them anymore and being around them for any amount of time could trigger a panic attack, though I can't avoid them completely because they take some of the same college courses I do. I wish I could tell someone, but I feel so stupid about the whole thing. How could I ever explain it all to them? They could never understand. I just know they'd laugh in my face and tell me I was just being weak or emotional. And I can't tell my parents because they swear that it's all in my head. <3 I'm very sorry for ranting, but I'm hoping that this might give me a sense of closure or perhaps someone could give me a bit of advice. Thank you so much for reading and thank you laughingman for doing this <3

#AnonymousConfessions 775:Confessor 764Just a week or two back I was telling my friends how I don't like Punjabi guys because they are too loud and how I like South Indian guys because they are kinda quiet. I'm eating my words now 🙄.H is Punjabi. My friends were teasing me so bad. I just want to crawl into a hole and stay there lol.

#AnonymousConfessions 776:
There are a few popular people on here who are the MOST irritating people I've ever encountered in my life. If I hear ONE more damn thing about this person's twitter being noticed or this person complaining about not beating another person in a stupid daily challenge, I'm going off. Nobody cares that you write on your phone. Big whoop. Seriously, stfu 

#AnonymousConfessions 777:
My biodad molested me as a child. I'm adopted now though. But, sometimes I feel like I'm broken. 

#AnonymousConfessions 778:
I'm really confused as to why people are crushing on all these users. Are y'alls lives that devoid of male contact?

#AnonymousConfessions 779:You probably dont remember me, but i'm still watching... ;)Two of my confessions made it to the top ten, but then again, i've only confessed before the first 250......want to guess which ones were mine? ps, i've made 15 total, until now.or anyone want to guess which two made it to the top?:Dguess who?~annon69

#AnonymousConfessions 780:
my mouth is dry even as I write this, and even now, i'm not sure quite how its going to come across...
I cant 'really' call it a fantasy, and neither can I call it my 'fav story,' but whatever it is...
There was this book, I have no idea what it was called, where I found it, and cant even remember too much about it.
It was about a boy, or rather, a man. He was investigating something - it was a murder, a mystery or something. perhaps he was a detective, i'm not sure.
....To get to the point, he went to visit a girl., part enemy, if I remember correctly.
She tied him up, dosed him on roofies, and raped him.
The guy in the book, when all was said and done, enjoyed the experiacne.
But so did I, and i'm female.
In reality, im the shy, reserved. but the very thought of holding that power over someone is exerilirating. but then again, on the ohter hand i want to experiance it myself... in a trustworthy atmosphere, though.
Even as i'm writing this, my finger hovers over the backspace key, wanting to delete all ive written.
who would have thought that im the same person that wants to be an undercover superhero? ;)
see confession #79 ;)

idk weather to sign this or not...

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