411 - 420

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#AnonymousConfessions 411:
I want to get a job but my mental health or depression is not well.

#AnonymousConfessions 412:

I spent a night with, uh, SOMEBODY who MAY have been my boyfriend... and unbeknownst to everyone we knew... uhhhh we may have done SOMETHING... it might have included his bed... it JUST MAY have been really nice... IT MIGHT JUST BE VERY EMBARRASSING TO TALK ABOUT!!! and don't worry he was really nice, super gentle, and we used protection:P And I'm dead. Bye. runs away

#AnonymousConfessions 413:

Guys are funnier than girls at face value and in general, but individually in relationships girls are slightly funnier than guys in a unique way

#AnonymousConfessions 414:

Because of this particular form glares at it even though it's my fault I am now the most embarrassed girl in all Japan. dies again

#AnonymousConfessions 415:
I miss Sir.

— crazy cat lady lol

#AnonymousConfessions 416:

I was the one who confessed to #389 Thank you for your kind words InnateEcstasy I can sympathize with what you're going through to. I sometimes think I should of studied something else in order to earn better money. Recently their will be a new grocery next to my home and I plan on going there to get interviewed for jobs of any kind. You're right about finding a job in the meantime, even if it's part-time. It'll give me something else to think about and earn money I so desperately need. The salary is low, but with the low employment rate, that's as good as it's gonna get. Thank you so much for sharing also part of your story, and I believe you'll be an amazing teacher some day.  

#AnonymousConfessions 417:

  I want my Dom Daddy to fuck me, I'm so horny right now. We're are playing hard to get with each other, and I don't know if I can hold it for much longer.

— Scarlet

#AnonymousConfessions 418:
I have come to fill the void and spam it with confessionss...so brace yourselves!!
Blah blah My ex bff hates me...but in a subtle way...we don't talk much just an occasional 'nod of acknowledgement' or a simple 'hi'...but when she calls (on the phone)me I have no route to escape her...I talk and she does something with her words and I end up trusting her and tell her my secrets... 0.o...She completely ignores me in front of others but we are alone or if she needs me she'll act if nothing is wrong between us and chat like old pals!!


#AnonymousConfessions 419:
so...that friend of mine...well she is a very manipulative person...I don't like her...but who I dislike even more is a teacher...the teacher is like the most "calm" and "chilled" teacher...why do i hate him then??He kind of "favors" her more than any other student...you may think it's natural for a teacher to have a favourite...but...She is not a teacher's pet or that much into academics either...I mean it's fine that he has a fav but what is not fine is he didn't gave me my certificate for 6 months ;I had to continuously remind him about it,he would just brush it off or say he'll give it later...but what annoyed me more was the smug smile on HER face...I suspected/suspect that she had something to do with it...

ps.I got the certificate after my parents talked to him

pps: -I had a dream once that they were making out..

ppps:maybe it's just me being paranoid..but I'n NOt being paranoid


#AnonymousConfessions 420:

I started eating oreos with peanut butter after I watched the parent trap...I like it.. :shrug:


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