511 - 520

21 2 3

#AnonymousConfessions 511:
Okay, so I decided to just confess this even if it makes people squeamish. So if you can't handle blood, don't read this. (Side note: I finally put away the phone and went to bed, still haven't gotten that chocolate yet.)
I had my first period when I was 13. I had one more after that, and then...nothing. This went on for about two months before I had another one. And. It. Was. Terrible. I bled for 13 weeks straight, 5 weeks of which it was so heavy I couldn't leave the house. I saw a doctor, he had me get an ultrasound (those are sooooo not fun.) The gynecologist who gave the ultrasound was terrible and kept trying to get me on birth control for 3 YEARS at the least. And she refused to give me any other options beside an implant or 3 or those stupid three years of pills. So my mom asked for a referral and we went to see a specialist. I went on birth control for 6 months, had regular periods, gained 15 pounds, lost me appetite, became super moody... After 6 months, I asked if I could stop taking the pills, and she said yes, and we'd see how things went. I went OVER A YEAR with no period. That was fine with me–who LIKES periods?!–but that meant I probably wouldn't be able to have kids AND I had the chest of a malnourished nine year old. I went on ProVera twice (you take it for 10 days every 3 months and you have a period.) Then, I had to leriods naturally and pretty much on time, but now I'm not having periods again... but it hasn't been that long.


#AnonymousConfessions 512:
I love a girl who's expressed not being ready for a relationship, I've still tried and I still have feelings for her but recently I've met a girl who well, things just seem to flow so well with. She's shared not being interested in a relationship as well so no rush there but I'm starting to think... maybe it's time I give up and talk to someone new. I can love and support her from afar as a friend, while finding someone new.

#AnonymousConfessions 513:
I already told you I thought geometry was going to kill me...
I wasn't kidding.
I just failed a geometry test.

#AnonymousConfession 514:
I wanna be 500 -discord

#AnonymousConfessions 515:
@LaughingMan has beautiful BRAIN!!

#AnonymousConfessions 516:
the girl i like kissed the side of my head when she hugged me earlier

#AnonymousConfessions 517:
my life is a joke but then i forget CAC ... my life feels a little better... because you cant get worse then yamcha

#AnonymousConfessions 518:
It's a kind of upset that never gets brought up lest i be seen as petty. It's like you know truth, but never the full truth. You don't bother to know. It hurts

#AnonymousConfessions 519:
@theDiaryPerson I am so in love with you pls marry me
-theDiaryPerson's No.1 Fan

#AnonymousConfessions 520:
dont make me blush
–theDiaryPerson's No.1 Fan

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