871 - 880

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#AnonymousConfessions 871:
I killed my testosterone and fuel on estrogen since a while now and no one in my family know it yet.
My wife saw my pictures of myself, women dressed! She believed I did a affair with that "women" lol

#AnonymousConfessions 872:
I think a majority of Wattpad writers suck (especially the ones that think they're doing something new and interesting because it's not about sex, vampires, werewolves or teens). I think that pretty much every story is rampant with internalized misogyny and Wattpad writers should get over themselves and realize no female character can genuinely deserve the title of a slut, no matter how much they mention that "she wears makeup and short dresses". I think a lot of the LGBT+ writers on this site write terribly fetishized takes on characters of that community and could not write a proper character arc if they were paid millions to do so. I think including "taboo" topics in a story does not improve the quality (in most cases, it detracts from the story) and backstories do not give villains any more depth than they're already written with. The entirety of Wattpad is one massive dump on literature and the fact that they're casually making movies and TV shows out of the most popular stories here means it'll be taking a good shit all over film too. That's all.

#AnonymousConfessions 873:
Phase 8~
Once when I was in my last year of elementary school.
You know how little kids always squabble about ages and genders? The whole, "I'm older than you" or "No Boys/Girls Allowed" thing? Since I was a strange child, I paid no attention to the seemingly ridiculous schemes of young humanity. I would rather observe them from a distance and take notes while internally laughing at them. However, when provoked to action, I awakened such resolve as to be a dangerous little child! One of my buddies(I only had three that I trusted) had a tree house, and had many friends over, three guys and two girls(me included). I wasn't paying attention to them at all, I was snacking on a piece of watermelon and drawing pictures. Until... I heard my fellow girl crying! I looked up... to see they guys in the tree house of the back yard. The other little girl was crying because she wanted to join in on the fun, but they had pulled up the ladder! Little me was ANGRY at this injustice! I hate it when people are mean, especially to little children(yes, I know, I was a child too, but I was JUSTICE!!!) So first I gave a verbal warning. Step one of the Justice Code. I told them to let her come up with them. They, of course, laughed at me and the girl. Then I performed step two of the Justice Code. A calm explanation of what I would do if they didn't start being kind. They still scoffed at me, but my friend up there started getting nervous in Justice's presence, he knew me better than they did. So he tried to suggest to the other guys that maybe it was a good idea to let the girls come up too, but they accused him of being scared of a little girl. And he was trapped in between me and them. So what did he do? Freeze in panic. I saw I was getting nowhere. Step three of Justice Code must be executed. Caring not that I was in a skirt, I immediately scaled the tree and climbed through the window. The little girl down below getting a panty shot gaped at me, the guys in the tree house getting an angry me gaped at me... And I guess it was all an act, their bravery. I ordered them to get out immediately and of course what must they do in Justice's presence? OBEY!!! So they leave and I let the ladder down for the little girl. Then once she was up, I pulled up the ladder. None of the little boys could get up hahahahaha smirk!

#AnonymousConfessions 874:
Towards the end of 2018, I convinced myself that all my friends were abusers, rapists, paedophiles, and catfishers whose only goal was to spread LGBT+ propaganda. I had convinced myself that anything other than cisgender heterosexuality was incredibly terrible and because of my perverse selection of friends, would now have to apply severe gay conversion therapy that mostly involved socially isolating myself and subscribing to incel ideology. Now, only three months later, do I realise how fucked up that was and I deeply regret my actions. I'll probably do it again though, because I never learn.

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