891 - 900

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#AnonymousConfessions 891:
Hey peeps! Remember me? The girl who had a crush on a DJ? His name was H? Yeah. Gotta tell you guys something. We kissed. Lol.

#AnonymousConfessions 892:
I was dared once to by my best friend to stand in the center of the street we are living in at 2 am and shout as loud as I could saying I am crazy, and my crush was there

#AnonymousConfessions 893:
I'm so bored of my life

#AnonymousConfessions 894:
The most weirdest thing happened to me right now...
I'm so creeped out right now....
I got a message in instagram....they said they wanted a favor ..i said 'ok sure'...then they asked if they could jerk off ..i couldn't understand...i asked what does that mean...then...then...they sent a very...inappropriate pic...of their...****😭😭😭
I thought the account belonged to some little girl as the dp was of a little girl so i had accepted the message request...
i'm so creeped out!! I did NOT want to see that!!!!!!
I deleted their message blocked them!! but I'm still shaking!!

#AnonymousConfessions 895:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day 1: WARNING! Do not walk by roosters. There was an angry rooster, named Black Fluffy Meatball or something like that. He was only angry at me. When he saw me, he screeched in fury and attacked me! My cousin was able to pick him up and he cooed like a happy dove. I guess I'm not good with birds.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day 2: I slept for the longest time I have in a while! Four dang hours! Yay... I think?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day 3: I went outside to buy ingredients for the treat I was going to make for my hosts the next day. I amazingly didn't get trampled or anything, but it was like fighting my way through a sea of giants. Okay, not THAT many people, but it felt like I was a midget or something. I get to the store and can't find two of my ingredients, but I kept forgetting the English words for them... so I try to ask for help to find things that I can't explain. I had rehearsed how to speak on the way there, but failed on the spot. I just kept saying Shiratamako, shiratamako! Like flour, but with different use and with a sort of flavor??? NOW I know the correct word... sweet rice flour??? What the heck, though...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day 4: I played games with the littlest cousin, and I swear, he's got to be my favourite! So cute and fluffable! And the only sweetheart that ate my snack right away without hesitation and peering at it suspiciously. Geez, these kids need more traditional foods...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day 5: The day I was dreading... pool day. One reason being that I have a history that causes me to be unable to show my arms, and the other being that Mother dear decided to buy her more conservative daughter quite the outfit. Not that pleased... But I go with a little trickery in mind. I think up of all the ways that I can hide some facts. I pretend that I'm embarrassed to show my front (don't get me wrong, I am! but to a lesser degree than people seeing my arms) so I cross my arms over my chest and hope they leave. Apparently Britannian children don't know how to leave you alone... Heh, children... 16 year olds. Thankfully, they fall for it, but I get dragged in as one of my cousins grabs me and leaps in, completely oblivious to the fact that I cannot swim. That was not fun.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day 6: We go for a hike in some conveniently nearby trails and a bee chooses to chase me for I swear, half a mile.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day 7: I went shopping with my girl cousin who is actually a calm 19 year old and not wild 16 year old dudes or little 7 seven year old dudes. I think my mother jinxed me when I left. She bought me lingerie.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day 8: The day to discuss serious matters with my uncle. At the end of many cups of tea and some other snacks, we have made preparations in case I wish to further my education in England. That was tiring, but I'm glad it is done and thankful that he took the time for it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day 9: I actually go sightseeing!! That was fun!!!!!!!! Since I'm old-fashioned, I sketched what I saw instead of taking pictures. Such a beautiful and rather cool place!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day 10: Last dayyyyy at my uncle's place. I got quite attached to the little boy(my youngest cousin) so I was sad to leave him. He made me a cute little heart-shaped card and said that he didn't want me to go away and to stay with him forever XD Of course, I gave my other cousins and little guy their gifts too at this point :D And then after a meltdown on my little cousin's part because I was leaving, ;.; I poofed!Other days were things I did on my own:P Like ride horses! I'm actually good at it, contrary to how I might look, but I used to have an Arabian who was basically my own at a ranch I used to work at. Kasai. I miss herrrrrrrrr

#AnonymousConfessions 896:
Let me tell you you can not handle my Fun side...wanna know why?
– I do the things you are most scared to do!
– you see... the stuff i'm into are things beyond your grasp!
– I can't seriously bring myself to like those stuff u consider "cool"...they aren't really my cup of tea.
– Well, honey you don't even know my hobbies...You assume stuff based on your poor poor judgement skill.
– I can't help it you can't take a joke. Seriously, you have problem when i don't do anything fun and when i joke (very mild joke, I didn't even use my dark humour cuz i know u are a piece of sponge, u soak up offence when there is none )you again find problem.

Just because i am quiet and introverted it doesn't mean i'm helpless and vulnerable.
Just because i like dark stuff doesn't mean I'm crazy!
i'm not good with conversations because seriously i can't sputter valueless chitchat for long!! I'm not the one for small talks!


#AnonymousConfessions 897:
i'm sorry you find me boring.
I'm sorry that you don't like that i'm not into the stuff you are into.
I'm sorry you don't like weird things i do sometimes.
i'm sorry you don't like that i don't the "cool" stuff.
I'm sorry you think my hobbies are boring.
i'm sorry that every little things offend you.

And besides, I'm not here to entertain you.


#AnonymousConfessions 898:
I Feel Aroused
I Don't Find you Mediocre
I find you Quite So U-uh S-seductive.
I also Find you Quite Entertaining.

#AnonymousConfessions 899:
So, you read about my undying love then?
But why did you share it to all. It breaks my heart when you don't believe me, but, I still love you. Really, I do.

#AnonymousConfessions 900:
Death Notice!
sniff sniff sob
Also known as stage 11 RIP
My betta... I tried to keep him warm and fed while I was gone. I set a light timer and put feeding pellets in the tank.
But... the power went out and the pellets malfunctioned ;.;
So my betta died!!! I KILLED HIM!!! cries for hours over dead betta

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