471 - 480

39 3 1

#AnonymousConfessions 471:
If I was pregnant, no matter the circumstance, I believe I'd never have an abortion. I don't know what I'd actually do though.

#AnonymousConfessions 472:
I was on YouTube when I was maybe 12 or so, and I came across a cute looking anime game a YouTuber was playing. Thank goodness it was through YouTube, because it was a "Hentai" and it was censored. The sex scene wasn't animated, it just made sounds and showed a naked anime girl. I could've clicked off, but I didn't. I wanted the game to be completed, even though it made me uncomfortable. The game was HuniePop, and I never thought to purchase it. I never will unless as a gag gift to prank somebody. 

#AnonymousConfessions 473:
I used to call my brother a dingo (I thought it was another way to say dingus) not knowing what it actually meant.

#AnonymousConfessions 474:
This one chick in my school (referencing #473) was bullying my brother and mean to almost everyone else. Knowing me, whatever happened to my brother effected me heavily. She was making fun of autistic kids one day when I launched at her, and if it weren't for my brother, I would've ended up suspended with her.

#AnonymousConfessions 475:
 I was bullied by a black girl when I was in 4th grade because I was white. (I was in Louisiana back then.) An example that I can remember is that she took my hand and forcefully pushed to where it pointed up my middle finger, and I was laughed at for it. Since then, I've been wary and almost afraid of black girls in my grade. Sometimes I'm afraid that it'll happen to me again and note that I never really talked to that girl. The one time that I did, I asked (and I guess warned) her to not go to the mean side. 

In 6th grade a black girl came to the school and was great at art. I wasn't the nicest to her because I was the artist in the school and also wary. At the times, I think it was because I didn't want to be laughed at (which did happen when I drew something for a project btw) and thus wanted to be better than her. I think I was a bit mean to her because I thought she was a bit mean. Regardless, I hung around her because I wanted to get rid of my nervousness. I wish I was better friends with her, and sometimes wonder if she left because of me. I was told it wasn't, but still.
I went to boot camp for a week and got close to a funny black girl who was in my squadron (separated by gender then age). I realized that there really isn't a reason to be afraid or nervous, but it still needs work.    

#AnonymousConfessions 476:

  I love barbequed pineapples waayy too much!!

#AnonymousConfessions 477:
I don't remember but mom said when I was little , I got electrocuted by the refrigerator...


#AnonymousConfessions 478:
chocolates make me happy...


#AnonymousConfessions 479:

  I sometimes pretend to be busy doing something while I'm actually eavesdropping the conversations by the people near me...they never suspect me...and I've come across many secrets ..........

#AnonymousConfessions 480:
I have 3 accounts in wattpad - / '- ' \  


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