711 - 720

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#AnonymousConfessions 711:
I LOATHE teachers who have favorites...i mean their favourites are actually the bitchiest people who breathe the air of this earth!! AANd the teacher actually encourage this... this... bitchiness in them by making them their favorites!!!

#AnonymousConfessions 712:
conspiracy theory: laughingman doesn't post all the confessions he gets. or maybe he only posts the ones that say they're from wattpad. it's a conspiracy i tell you!!

#AnonymousConfessions 713:
another conspiracy theory: laughingman is a government spy whose job was to create this thread and get people to willingly confess things. how could you laughingman?!?

#AnonymousConfessions 714:
I used to talk all the time on the Wattpad forums before it was moved to the new site but then I got hacked and I'm pretty sure it was because of someone on Wattpad... I'm scared to talk in the forums again lol so I just stalk them, haven't said a single word.

#AnonymousConfessions 715:Arranged marriage chick here. @LaughingMan109 I'm Muslim, so yeah... Don't have many other Muslims in my area, certainly none my age, so I'm left missing out...RyotaFujikawa I've thought the same thing, honestly. Marriage seems really difficult, and requires a big commitment. It's just... with my family, and with my religion in general, it's all or nothing. I can't date. It's either marriage, or nada. At least, that's the impression I get. I could probably get one of those Muslim dating apps, but I don't know what my family allows or not. I'd hate to ask, so I'm left in limbo. (Part 1 of 2, just gonna rant lol)

#AnonymousConfessions 716:
(Part 2 of 2)
I want to date. I want to get to know someone. But, I can't. My family knows where I am all the time, because I go from school to home to home to school, nothing in between. They have acess to my phone (which is a long story, but I let them have acess willingly, not like they say I have to) so I can't do dating apps. And again, even if I could, I couldn't go to dates because transportation is an issue.

And like I said in the first part, I don't know the rules of dating. I got my first offer for arranged marriage a few months ago, and I was conflicted on how I felt. If that was my only chance to meet someone, then I should take it, right?

Don't wanna die alone... Plus I was thinking instead of going straight into a marriage, I'd want to spend time with the guy, get to know him and him me, and maybe we would "fall in love."

(Quotations because that seems so cliche haha.) I feel so stupid for thinking like this. If only romance was as easy as the movies made it out to be.

#AnonymousConfessions 717:(Part 3 of 2)PS, Thanks for responding :) Even if I don't get another response, it feels great to unburden myself. Been harboring these feelings, thoughts, etc for months, years even, and it feels great to talk. Anonymously. :)

#AnonymousConfessions 718:
You are missed.

#AnonymousConfessions 719:
#1631: LOL Don't worry you got time but as for me being 27 years old virgin and haven't even had DATE YET... consider yourself lucky.

Not sure how it's for women though

#AnonymousConfessions 720:
***(link in inline comments)***

A present for You lovely peeps :wink: :hugs:Click the present!!~qwerty

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