841 - 850

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#AnonymousConfessions 841:
I've spent so many days and nights surrounded by people but feeling so alone, like I can't seem to connect. I don't know if something's wrong with me, or I'm simply, I don't know. A horrible person? I know I have to keep positive, and stay strong, if only for my little brother's sake. But it's draining me to keep going like this when I'm hiding what no one can know about. I am a selfless person, so I hate thinking this way, I know I should be thinking only of others' needs and wants and try to serve them to the best of my ability. But sometimes I can't help but wonder can't anybody hear me? Can't anybody see me? Will anybody watch me? Is someone gonna stop me? I know it could be my last mistake... but despite my achievements and and goals... I'm just defeated. I've fought my way out of this struggle alone before, but I'm so so afraid that I'm not going to be able to do it again... and yet I'm not afraid. I'm ready to be taken at any time. Everyone says it'll stop eventually, and that's what I tell them because I'm trying so hard to believe... but I've lost a vital piece of me and I start to think I'm beyond recovery. They say if you look in the mirror you see things clearer... and I want to believe that, but I can't even look in the mirror. I hate what I see when I look in the mirror. I'm so sorry for everything.

#AnonymousConfessions 842:
I still look for you and I have no idea why. Maybe I just want to know that you are doing ok after my major fuck up.

#AnonymousConfessions 843:
I am no good and you are. It is better this way.

#AnonymousConfessions 844:@laughingman109 I'm the one who asked about your feelings. I'll call myself Kiki. Sorry I didn't see that question earlier. I'm not into anime so I don't think much about that character.2 more questions to go.

#AnonymousConfessions 845:
Due to being told of low rate of confessions, I am going to... I don't even know what I'm going to do. I have also been told that some of my experiences are funny, and honestly I can attest to that. Often I feel like my life is an overly-dramatic bad movie:P So, I'm going to bring some embarrassing experiences that still make me cringe to this day... This is inspired by a previous person's confession a few before mine... (this is me from last year) ((_____)) equals my thoughts since I wouldn't actually be allowed to say this, and be alive to tell the taleXD
Me: brings home study buddy
Mom: Ooh, who's this?
Me: glares at Mom don't say it that way! This is Shinya, and we're going to be working on some stuff together so yeah. ((Bye bye!!!))
Shinya: greets my mother politely
Me: ((oh brother why is she following us??))
Mom: Can I get you anything? Oh, (my name), I see you've made new artwork!
Me: freezes
Mom: walks around my room like it's a beautiful novelty admires scary drawings I did back then I remember this one! Wow, you have over 15 sketches of him here! That's Kyosuke, right?
Shinya: awkward standing
Mom: And this one! My, my, a whole wall for him? Who's this?
Me: Mom, it doesn't matter, really ((pleeeaaaasseeee go away))
Mom: Oh right! Yuichi Jin!
Me: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH iwrhnfewlkfmnwaelksa ((Mom, no, this is really enough))
Shinya: awkward standing
Mom: So these are the new ones! I knew I was seeing something more! Geez, how many of these did you make?
Mom: laughs like moms do when they're relentlessly teasing their kids Aww, I remember this! You liked him way too much when you watched that last year.
Me: gulp ((don't say it don't say it don't say it))
Mom: Makishima Sho–
Me: tight smile thank you Mom, thank you Mom, bye bye we can talk about this later, go get us some tea please...
she leaves
Shinya: stares at me (my name), what just happened??
Me: Nothing you have to know about, honey, just sit down...

#AnonymousConfessions 846:
Step two of my plan of evil. In which I corrupt people. Sort of. I hope you little mortal humans enjoy >:3
I used to work in a library regularly. I still do every summer. One afternoon, I was working in the children's section, shelving books and assisting patrons. This little girl had dropped her huge armful of books, and was getting very flustered as she was not receiving any help. I went to help her, and stacked her books in a manner which she could pick them up easily. However, she did something I never would have expected! Letting out a sharp yelp, she fled from me and gestured at me once she reached her mother. "Vampire! Vampire!" she said. Her mother assured her that I was not indeed a vampire but she was not convinced. I shrugged, and smiled helplessly. Because I'm an idiot...
I wasn't even looking my scariest! Sure, I was only wearing black. Sure, I'm really pale. Sure, I was dressed sort of Victorian. But that means nothing! XD

#AnonymousConfessions 847:
I wouldn't quite say I have an exclusive preference for android girls, but it does really help! I also like women in Birkenstocks.

#AnonymousConfessions 848:
My feelings are soo stupid. Why don't they have any logic in them? Suuure crush on the guy who's been crushing on your friend. That's smart. And now you're sad about it, dammit. And now that she's long been through with her ex, now she actually admits that she likes him back. Of course i knew. It was pretty obvious. Just... Can't i just like a nice guy who for once???

#AnonymousConfessions 849:
I'm a Wattpad Ambassador, and sometimes when I post things in Community, I read it like 20 times before I post it because I'm too scared of posting anything even slightly controversial that'll cause backlash in any way. I guess I'm overly anxious, you could say, that I would mess up things. I wish people were a bit more accepting of Ambassador mistakes, but when any one of us slip up, most users refuse to move on and end up assuming things, so I always try to be professional and stay away from anything that might have even just a 0.000001% chance of getting any hate or backlash...
I know people will totally judge this confession, I have no idea why I'm even submitting this, sigh.

#AnonymousConfessions 850:
I absolutely hate the fact that the most written books on Wattpad are about BAD BOYS, like wtf why can't anyone write a decent book that isn't about bad boys. And basically all of those books have the same plot, just different names, LIKE DAMN WRITE SOMETHING DIFFERENT PEOPLE

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