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Nova's POV

I woke up to a beam of light coming through the window of my apartment and a guitar like sound coming from upstairs. I got up out of bed in my pierce the veil oversized T-Shirt and my plaid black and white pajama pants with my messy blue hair and walked out of my apartment door and up to the neighbors door upstairs. I honestly didn't care if they saw me like this I've never even met them so I don't care what they think of me. They're new and just moved in like last week and I've been dealing with they're music for the past three days. I got up to They're door and knocked. A boy a inch or two taller than me opened the door. He had blue eyes and a emo hair style. He had brown hair pushed to the side. "Hello? Do I know you" he asked with a confused look on his face. "No I'm the neighbor below you guys that you guys have been waking up for the past three days with your music so if you could do me a favor and shut the fuck up it would help me a lot. Thank you" I said really annoyed. "Woah calm down" he said smiling looking me up and down. "Don't look at me like that" I said yelling at him. "Fine" He said rolling his eyes. "Today was supposed to be a good day and you guys fucking ruined it" I said walking away back to my apartment. I walked in and took a shower then blow dried my hair since I was planning on dying it later today. I didn't do anything to my hair because it drys wavy. I got dressed and felt cute so I posted a picture on Instagram. I'm actually quite popular on here.


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@/SpaceNova : Bad Girls Club🖤🤘🏻🎸

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I put on some black Doc Martens then grabbed my bag and my keys. I walked outside and realized the neighbors had left. I got in my car and drove to the mall to go to hot topic to get manic panic hair dye since that's all I ever use. I start driving and I finally get there. I get out of my car and I see a bunch of people outside of hottopic. I walk up and get my way through the crowd of teenagers. I look into the store and see a purple haired boy with two other boys. One was the one I yelled at earlier. There was a purple ribbon that got cut and everyone ran in. I ran in with them since I had to get hair dye. I pushed through all the teens up to the hair dye. I'm dying my hair purple so I quickly grabbed a purple manic panic hair dye. I only saw the color I didn't take time to look at it. All the teenagers were fighting over something so there wasn't anyone really in line. I got to the cashier and he rung up my hair dye. I wasn't paying attention to what he looked like until... "Nova?" I looked up. It's my ex that had moved here after I told him long distance was too much for me. He moved here from Texas after a month of us not being together anymore. "Chase I don't want to talk just give me my dye" I said holding my hand out for him to give it to me but instead he came around and hugged me. "Please Chase leave me alone now get off me" I said trying to get out of his hold. "I've missed you" he whispered in my ear. "LET GO OF ME" I was screaming at this point but the teenagers were too loud for anyone that wasn't close to me to hear me. He still wouldn't let go. I started having trouble breathing because of my anxiety but then the purple haired boy pushed him off me and I fell to the ground. I tried not to cry. "Are you okay" he asked picking me up from the ground and back onto my feet. "Y-Yeah" I stuttered. "But your breathing really heavenly" he said putting his hand on my shoulder. "I'm good I just want to get my hair dye and leave" I said as me and the boy both reached for the bag with the dye in it. Our hands touched but I pulled away quickly as he handed me the bag. "I see your using my hair dye" he said smiling pointing to my bag. "Oh I didn't know you had your own hair dye" I said giggling. "Oh... do you know a band called waterparks" he asked me. "No" I said with a confused look on my face. "Oh well I'm in that band my names Awsten" he said holding out his hand. I shook it and we pulled away. "Oh wow cool" I said giggling. "Hey your the girl that yelled at us earlier" the boy I yelled at cane over to us with another boy that was wearing a beanie. "This is the girl you called a bitch? But she's no nice" Awsten said pointing to me. "She told us to "shut the fuck up" and was really rude" The boy said. "Well give her a break it seems like she's going through a lot" The boy Awsten said. "I actually have been" I said speaking up. "Well I'm sorry but you were really rude" the boy I yelled at said. "I'm sorry" I said looking down. "Never make a girl apologize for something" Awsten said Hugging me quick then pulling away. "So this is Geoff and Otto" Awsten said pointing to them. "Hi guys I'm Nova" I said shaking all of They're hands. "That's a cool and Unique name" Awsten said. Awstens really nice. "So like you live in the apartment below me" Awsten said. "Yeah" I said. "Cool I live there with my girlfriend" he said. I was honestly kinda sad cause he was really nice and sweet

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