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Hannah and Michael had always spoke about moving to America to get away from Birmingham. It was like a little dream of theirs, something that they could look forward too. Hannah never expected Michael to go without her.

The last few months had gone so well, they were getting on completely fine despite everything that had happened since Luca had arrived on the scene. Michael had spent a few weeks at the convent, which took a lot of persuasion, but he was eventually allowed there as long as they didn't share a bedroom. There had even been an improvement with the relationship between Michael and the nuns. They had seen his kinder side that not many people saw; the humour, the charm and the jokes. There was no better feeling than watching all of the people that you loved get along without any arguments. Hannah finally felt as if everything was going great and that nothing would stop them.

After a while, Tommy had moved Michael to safe house on the outskirts of Birmingham where Luca couldn't get to him. Hannah visited him every single day, usually before or after work, bringing him all sorts of things to keep him occupied while he was cooped up. She could see the desperation in his face, he just wanted to be out there and doing something to help the family but instead he had been kept in a house like a prisoner, just with a few more privileges.

Hannah continued to ignore Tommy whenever she saw him on the streets, she much preferred it when Tommy was living miles away. It would be that way until all of the Italian business was over and done with and maybe then she would consider talking to Tommy. Luca had made no attempt to contact either herself or Michael either, thank God. It brought them both comfort as they no longer had to worry about the chance of being murdered but there was one thing that did linger over both of them, neither Hannah or Michael ever talking about it - the deal.

There had been plenty of chances for Michael to tell Tommy about the deal but every time he backed out because he feared what would happen to Polly. He knew what Polly's plan was, he had worked it out when Luca had visited him in the hospital but it was confirmed later on. Polly was apprehensive when Michael brought it up to her, refusing to answer any questions that she asked but it just proved Michael's theory right.

Hannah believed that Michael should have told Tommy about it. She understood that he wanted to protect his mum but she couldn't help but think that there was something deeper going on. Polly was not on the best terms with Tommy but she would never agree for any member of the family to be killed because despite everything that had gone off, Polly had once made a promise to the boy's mother and that was to protect them no matter what happened.

Michael refused to tell Tommy though, he genuinely thought it was for the best - the biggest mistake of his life. In hindsight, he should have told Tommy about it, maybe then what happened wouldn't have happened, he would still be in the England with the woman that he loved but it was too late, there was no going back.

When the car pulled up outside the safe house, a driver ready to take Michael to the betting shop in Small Heath, Michael knew that something was going on. Tommy had told him to stay away from town until the Italian business had blown over, claiming that it wasn't safe for Michael to be in the same area as Luca which Michael had to agree with, he knew that he was going to be safe but Michael couldn't exactly say that to Tommy.

"Why have you asked me here, Tommy?" Michael asked as he walked into the betting shop. There was no-one there which was the first red flag. Polly was stood at the end of the room, a sad expression on her face, her eyes filled with tears as she prepared for what was about to coming. She knew that Michael wouldn't leave without a fight, without Hannah.

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