Chapter Two

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The lady comes over to me with the can of coke that I asked for and a glass to drink the coke
out of then she sits down next to me.

"Why did your parents do this to you love"she asks

(The picture above is the aftermaths off Sapphires abuse from her foster dad).

"Well he was drunk of his ass and she didn't want to be a foster parent ,I'm not going back
I rather be on the streets again"I say simply then out of the blue I start to cry.

"Hey come on love why don't I take you to one of my family's home you can have a bath and
something to eat then I will take you to mine how does that sound"the lady says

"Not being rude but I dont even no your name" I say

She's laughs "my name is Breda Mcqueen"she says with a smile

"Why do you want to help me" I ask

"Its what I do I look after all children that needs me and parents" Breda says

"Okay so your like a support worker then"I say

"Yes that's right and don't you worry if you don't want to go back to that horrible
place to them horrible people then that won't happen but I will ask that I take you to the hospital after you've eatten"Breda says

"Okay then "I say well it's not like I got much of a choice I just have to take her word for it for now.


"Hello anyone in " Breda shouts as we walk into some house.

"Sapphire why don't you sit here I will see if anyone's here" she says

I do as I'm told with in a few minutes Breda comes back towards me with guy

"Sapphire this is my son Sylver hes going to keep an eye on you while i get some food if that's okay" Breda says

I just give a nod as I really don't care at this moment in time then Breda leaves out of the front door.

"Right come on then i will show you to the bathroom " Sylver says

I follow Sylver to the bathroom every step I i take up stairs i have to grit my teeth the pain is so painful.

"Theres some clean dry towels here if you need anything else then give me a shout"Sylver says with a smile

"Okay thank you"I say giving him a smile in return

When Sylver leaves I lock the door and run the water then get undressed once the water is at the right length and temperature then into the bath.


I am downstairs once I'm out of the both clean and dry, Sylver is making me a cup of tea and Breda is doing me something to eat while I brush my wet hair.

"Right dinners on now you don't want to live with them so where do you want to live" Breda says

"To be honest I would like to live with my family but I have no idea who they are" I say

"Why don't you be her foster parent mum " Sylver says

"Would you like that Sapphire" Breda asks

"Yeah if that's okay with you " i say

"Its fine after you've eat then we will go to mine and get your room ready and then let social servies know" Breda says

"You promised "I say

"I promised that you wouldn't be going back to them trust me everything will go okay
and Sylver will come as well" Breda says

I hope she's not lieing to me.

"Dinner is ready " Sylver says

I go to the table ready for my dinner to be served to me ,I still haven't heard from
Harley and Peri maybe they didn't really want to know me as a friend only to survive on the streets

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