Chapter Eleven

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I'm now at Bredas home just finishing lunch and I have Yazmine coming over
she's going to help me to catch up to everyone else.

*Knock Knock*

Breda goes to the door while I gather up the dishes and clean them.

"Hello Yamine come in "Breda says as she greets Yazmine

Yazmine comes in Bredas home and smiles at Breda.

"Hiya Yaz I won't be long do you want to get the paper work ready while I
finish these dishes" I say

"Yeah that's fine" Yazmine says

With in a few minutes I have finished the dishes.

"Do you want a drink or anything Yaz" I ask

"Yes please" Yazmine says

I make her a drink then we start on the catch up work.


"You know when you was with your foster parents did you ever have a
relationship" Yazmine asks

"First they are no parents of any kind call them Barry and Ann and second no I didn't have
a relationship when I was them I had no one"I say

I look down then I smile.

"But the family before I was seeing this guy it was great we would go to the cinema's
and go to a field and look up at the sky felt amazing but unfortunately that family I
was with had to move because the husband got a new better job over seas and I didn't
have a passport and they didn't want to wait so I had to go to Barry and Anns" I add

"I'm so sorry from what you told me and what I've heard from Peri sounds like Barry
and Ann were he'll to live with" Yazmine says

"Thats a nice way to put it" I say with a hint of laughter

"Was there any good times with Barry and Ann" Yazmine asks

"No from day one it was horrible" I say

"Do you know your family" Yazmine asks

"No I know nothing about them" I say

"My dad died he killed him self because he was put into prison for something he didn't
do but I'm glad that me and my family knows him well me and Imran was little at the
time but the story's that Sami and Farrah tells makes me miss him so much more I have
no idea how I would cope if I never known him or if my brother and sister didn't
know him " Yazmine says

" I would give anything to know my parents but some people aren't as lucky as you I'm
not saying your lucky that your dad is dead but you know him you know what he looked
like I didn't even get that much" I say I start to cry Yazmine puts her arm around me.

"I will help you I mean I'm going to be the number 1 journalist" Yazmine says with a smile

"Yes you will be" I say returning the smile

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