Chapter Twenty~Seven

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It's been about 2 hours I haven't responded to Peris message even though I want to go
up to her and rip her bloody hair out this just proves that she's no friend of mine or
ever was.

"I think what we should do is safe up some money up together and then work from
there what do you both think " I suggest

"Good point why don't we go to the Folly for a bit" Peri asks

Yazmine obviously agree with the bitch

"I'm going to see if Sylver needs any help as he's at Myras" I say as I really need to get
away from Peri

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us could have some fun" Peri says

"I might come later " I say

With that Yasmine and Peri leaves I then grab my phone then walk towards Myras.

As I walk to Myras  and then Yasmine sends my a message.

Yasmine: hope everything is okay with you

Me: yeah I'm fine

Then I get 1 from Peri great that's all I need

Peri: I think the Folly will be a great place for a kiss what do you think. With a wink face emoji

What a bitch... I don't respond even though I want to say well that's the type of a so called friend
you want to be then I don't want anything to do with a low life like you stay the he'll away from me.


I'm at Myras

"HELLO" I Shout bit to loud oops

"No need to shout Sapphire " Sylver says

"What you doing " I ask

"Sorting out your nanas table out" Sylver says

"Why not just make her a new one" I suggest

"That's a good idea " Sylver says

I give Sylver a fake smile as I really not in the mood for anyone or anything.

"Hows your morning going" Sylver says

"Fine thanks bit boring really " I say as I go to sit on the sofa

Then Sylver comes over and gets his phone out and takes pictures of me and him then few minutes
later Mercedes walks in and takes some with us(picture below Sylver and Sapphire)

Then Sylver comes over and gets his phone out and takes pictures of me and him then few minutes later Mercedes walks in and takes some with us(picture below Sylver and Sapphire)

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