Chapter Twenty~One

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It's the afternoon and I'm in my bedroom as Sylver and Mercedes are still talking
downstairs I'm so confused about Mercedes I'm not to sure weather to believe her
as I think she just want to keep on Sylvers good side.

As for Syver I do think he wants to be my dad but the thing is what if Mercades
don't want to be any kind of a mum to me.

This is so scary and on top of that I have these feelings for Yazmine but I have no
idea how she would react towards being my girlfriend but I do know 1 thing is if
she s doesn't want to be my girlfriend I don't think I can be any kind of a friend
to her and that's hurts.

Yazmine must accept lesbians as her sister is a lesbian but I have no idea how she
feels about being a lesbian keeps me up every night that I've been here.


I am downstairs as I can still  hear Mercedes and Sylver it's gone from talking to
arguing so much that I can hear them throwing things sounds like a cup or glass
but when I get to the living room Mercedes runs out of the living room in tears
and sylver is walking from 1 end of the living room to the other his face is red
just like a tomato.

I go into another room and I get my phone out and call Breda.


Breda: Sapphire love is everything okay

Me: I'm not to sure Mercades ran out crying and Sylver is angry as hell
and something got smashed but im not to sure what it was.

Breda: okay love don't worry me or Goldie will be right there.



I'm in hollyoaks village I can Peri and Yazmine talking but all I do is try to
look and walk away but they spot me so I walk up to them.

"Hey girls how's you to " I say

"Were fine how's you" Peri says

I don't say anything I give an empty look.

"Shall we go for a walk " I say

"Sure" they both say at the same time

Me Peri and Yazmine link in hand in hand towards the folly.

"Are you going to tell us what's wrong your very quiet" Yazmine says

"Oh god sake give it a flaming rest I don't want to talk about it " I
shout and run away

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