Chapter Twenty ~Two

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It's now the next day I don't know if I want to go out but I'm not sure
if I have a choice so I'm going to spend the day in Sylvers work shop
but I need to find an outfit. (Outfit above).

"Sapphie your dad is here" Breda shouts

"Coming" I shout

I know it's werid hearing Breda shouting dad but the thing is I like
hearing it but I need to be able to build the trust with Sylver and I
know when things get bad that he's not going to run before I call him dad.

But with Mercedes I need to know the truth and the real Mercedes it seems
like she's keeping something but I don't know what.

"What are we making Sylver " I ask

" I was thinking of a wardrobe for you " Sylver says

I give him a smile.

"Why not wait for social services to give some money to Breda wouldn't that
be cheaper" I ask

"Yes it may be cheaper but I want to do this for my daughter " Sylver say

I give him another smile.

"I was going to tell you this somewhere else but I guess this place will have to do " Sylver adds

I give him a look of confusion.

"I'm going to look after you but we will be stay in the dog and pond, how do you feel about
that" Sylver asks

"But Mercedes doesn't like me won't that be awkward"I ask being more confused, open
and honest

"It maybe for a little while but we are a family and I think it be good for us all to try and
act like a family " Sylver says while getting some wood to measure it

"Okay" I say

"How do you feel about that " Sylver says as he stops working and just looks at me

"Erm ... well I don't really know as I never really had a family if I'm honest but I'm willing
to give it a go" I say

Sylver smiles and gives me a hug which feels strange but nice at the same time

"After we are done why don't we go back to the farm and bring your stuff to the dog and
pond" Sylver suggests

I don't say anything I just give him a smile and nod well to be honest there isn't a lot to take
in the first place probably only take an hour if that

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