Chapter Ten

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It's the next day I'm all ready for school hopefully I'll have a better day today.

I grab my bag then head for the kitchen to have my breakfast.

"Morning Breda" I say

"Morning love here's your breakfast , you ready for school if your not you can
always take the day off" Breda says

"No I'm going back to school" I say before having a mouth full of my cereal.


I am now having my third lesson off the day my teacher is Miss Blake she seems
like up tight and stricken but when you get to know her she's quiet a nice and
understanding teacher.

" Yazmine can you give out one book to every pupil please" Miss Blake says

"Yes miss" Yazmine says

Yazmine gets up and goes and gets the books that Miss Blake wants us all to read
not sure I want to reading it out loud after what happened to me yesterday that
was so embarrassing hopefully that's the way everyone is looking at me and very
quietly laughing at me when Miss Blake and the other teachers wasn't looking is
telling me that was just beginning.


I have now finished at school for the rest of the day thank god.

I am on my way to see Breda and let her know what kind of a day I've had.

Breda well it's werid how much I actually like her i know she just my foster carer
but I don't want her to worry about me.

"Sapphire wait" Yazmine shouts

I turn around to see Yazmine and give her a nod then wait for her to catch up to me.

With in a few minutes Yazmine is in front of me.

"Thanks are you going to the bean" Yazmine asks

"Its okay and yeah you want to walk with me" I ask

"Obvs how did you think to Miss Blake " Yazmine asks

"Shes a teacher but I liked her class though" I say

"Me to some people says she's a phycho but I'm not sure " Yazmine says

"Dont pay any attention to everyone else" Yazmine says

" I know I shouldn't but its hard not listen aspecaily when your the new girl" I say
I look down at my hands then look up as I don't want to dump into anything

"I did have a friend here that I was hoping to see and that would show me around but
I haven't seen her" i add

"Who is it " Yazmine says

"Peri Lomax" I say

" I know her she was ment to come in today I'm not to sure why she wasn't " Yazmine says

"Me to" I say

"But I do know one thing you now have me as a friend " Yazmine says

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