Chapter Seven

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Its been a few days since Barry came round to Bredas form he's now with the
police thank god.

"Sapphire love breakfast is ready" bread shouts.

"Coming " I shout back as I grab my bag and head to the stairs


I'm in the village now and I'm going to see Peri and Tom are free but unfortunately
they are not anywhere so I try text them.

Me:Hiya I'm at the village where are you, hope your okay.

While I wait for a reply from them I go and see Sylver in his work shop.

"Hiya Sylver" I say

"Hi Sapphire how are you feeling today" sylver asks

"I'm better now that Barry is with the police, what you making " i ask

" I was thinking off making table and chairs for you and mum " Sylver says

" can I help" I ask

"Yeah but first can you get us some drinks and some chips " Sylver asks

Sylver hands me some money then I head to the cafe the one where Breda works at.


I am in the cafe now after spending all morning with Sylver but now I need
to do my school work luckily I don't need to much on it luckily for me.

With in 10 minutes of doing some of my school work Breda is bringing me as ham
salad sandwich and a diet coke just what I need but if I'm honest all I've been thinking
about is what I been wanting to have questions answered about my parents but with
the social services are not always reliable its hard not to believe them which isn't a
great feeling I'm not going to lie.


It's now time for to go back to the farm so while i wait for my taxi I put my books
away as Breda still has to finish her shift.

With less then a minute the taxi is here so I go to Breda.

"See you later Breda my taxi is here" I say

"Okay love I'll see you back at home " Breda says

I so can't wait to get into my pyjamas.

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