Chapter Six

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It's the same day but the afternoon I have seen Peri and Tom they are with me
we are watching a as Breda has to watch some other children not to sure
what there names are though.

"So you know Peri from where again" Tom asks

"The streets that's where I met Peri, Harley and Dan" I say

"How come you was on the streets" Tom asks

" I was being abuse by my abusive foster mother ad father now what
we going to watch" I say

"What about this "Tom says

"You never did say what's happen to Harley"I ask

"She did live with me and my family but she left me we was in a relationship
before she left to be honest me,Tom,Harley was in a relationship all together"
Peri says she starts to cry so I put my hand around as does Tom.

"Come on we all had an hard time so why don't we have a great night and
watch trashy tv " I suggest with a smile

Peri and Tom agrees with me I may not have Harley but an least I have
Peri and a new friend Tom even though he's noisy fucker.

I get up and get some food and ice for my ribs.

"Peri can you help me with all of this please" Peri shouts.

*Knock Knock*

Before Peri walks into the kitchen I walk towards the front door.

As I start to open the door I opened it about an inch.

"There you are you little fucking street rat"Barry slurs with anger

I quickly try to close to door even Tom is trying to help while Peri
is in the kitchen on the phone to someone not to sure who.

"Please hurry please"Peri says sounding frightened

Oh my god why can't he leave me alone.

"Get Breda or Sylver here"I shout to Peri

Me and Tom are still try to shut the front door from Barry so he can't get in but its a little hard to shut but  Barry hasn't loosen his grip not for a second.

All I keep thinking is 'when will this end'.


"Get out here you little bitch you cant escape me" Barry's shouts

"I'm calling the police" Peri shouts "fine " I say ad i open the door to Barry.

i have no idea what hes going to do but mr and Tom cant keep trying to close the door while hes trying to get in.

" LEAVE HER ALONE " Breda and Sylver shouts

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