Chapter Three

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Breda is outside on the phone to the social services while some red head woman comes in.

"who's mum talking to and who's this" the red head woman says

"Goldie" Sylver says well its almost like he's telling her off.

"Mums on the phone to  social services and this is Sapphire mums hoping to foster Sapphire" Sylver says

"Why didn't anyone tell me I'm always the last one to find out" Goldie says like a child

" maybe it because your acting like a child " I say quietly

"I have 2 boys thanks " Goldie says

"Really well that sounds like a tart" I says

Before Goldie has the time to react Sylver trays to carm things down.

" Enough the pair of you " Sylver says

"Right they are on there way " Breda says and sounds scared and nervous as I cant believe they going to make me stay with the foster parents that I ran away from.

"What happened to you anyways Sapphire "Goldie asks

"My foster dad beaten me again so I had enough and ran away I though my friends was
here but I don't see them anywhere" I say

"Your not going back your staying with me love" Breda says

"But what if social services won't let me stay with you " I say simply


Social serves are here and I feel like running out of the door no ones ever listens to me.

"Hiya I'm Kelly and this is Chris we've be told that alot from Breda but we would like to hear it from you" Kelly says

"Wow that's the first" I say

"What is Sapphire" Kelly says

" when I phone social services saying that I'm not happy they never listen they only listen to Ann and Barry " I say

"That won't be happening this time"Kelly says

"Lets start with how you gotten these bruises Sapphire " Chris asks

"I heard Barry and Ann arguing down stairs not to sure what about so I tried to get back to
sleep I must off dosed off as I didn't hear him going up the stairs pushed my bedroom door
open that hard he broken it then he poured his beer over me then he started punching me
then he strangled me then he left so I packed my bag and left" I say

"Okay I don't think it will be a good idea for you to go back I will see if there any
children centres for you to stay at" Kelly says

"She can stay with me" Breda says

"Whats your name" Chris says

"Breda Mcqueen " Breda says with a smile.

"We will have to have a look around your place and do a background checks
on you first" Chris says

"Thats fine" Breda says

Kelly phones the office to rush the background checks on Breda before we head
around Bredas home.


We are on our way to Bredas home doesn't take us long as we have  arrived.

"Come on love " Breda says with a smile on her face at me.

I look around with everyone as I need to know where my room is going to be and my new home.

We go upstairs its an old fashioned place turns out its Bredas dads pig farm that was left to her.

"Sapphire this is your room it used to be my Sylvers room I hope you'll like it we can get it
redecorate it and get some other furniture in here to make you feel at home" Breda says

I give Breda a smile then I put my bag on the bed. Then we all head downstairs.

"Right is it okay if we talk to Sapphire on our own please" Chris says Breda gives a nod then goes outside.

"We just need to make sure that you want to stay here" Kelly says.

"Yes I do " I say simply

"Could you get Breda please Sapphire " Chris says

I nod then go and get Breda.

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