Chapter Thirty~One

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It's now the afternoon I've not seen anyone I've been getting messages and phone
calls but I've not answered to any of them.

I am so close to running away again I have no idea why I am staying in hollyoaks
village I know Peri is right I should tell Yasmine ,Mercades and Sylver about how
I feel about her but I don't know if  I have it in me I guess it's more off the rejections
my god I read so many stories on how people gets disowned by there families , friends
and home town a d worse.

I have no idea where I am I feel like if I walk a bit closer I'll be at the train station I
wasn't even aiming to go the train station I was just walking and talking in my head
well more like thinking I'm not to sure if I even want to go back but at the same time
I don't know if I want to go to another Foster home.


It's been a few hours I'm still at the train station but not on a train just sitting on a bench
thinking why do I bother It be much easier if I wasn't around its not like there's no reason
for me to not be around. mum don't want me around and out of foster homes
3. When I open up about my sexuality I really beleive no one in my family will want me around.

This may sound crazy as I don't know what's actually going to happen when I open up but its really
scary to think that my family yes it's not perfect but the fact is its my family and if they not happy
with my sexuality then i could loose them its all I wanted as well as be in a happy relationship
come on who wouldn't want that it my be 2019 but the time may have changed but not everyone
has changed which is so annoying.

"Sapphire " I hear in the distance not to sure who it is or even if I'm really hearing some 1 shouting
my name or if I'm just imagining it quite strange really.

If i turn to the left I see quiet a few people if I turn to the right I see some of them people think am
some weird or a druggie sitting on some bench in the train station on my own.

"Sapphire "  I hear again still not sure who the hell it or even if it is a person but just in case I look
left then I look right I think I can see Sylver but its hard to tell so I just wait for who ever it is to get
closer as I as I don't want to look like a dick if it isn't Sylver to walk up to someone who isnt even
there well to be fair i cant look more like a twat hen sitting on a bench crying and just
looking at trains that goes by.

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