Chapter Thirteen

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Me and Breda are in hollyoaks village just waiting for the taxi to stop, I'm so
angery I can't think straight.

"Love I know you must have questions but try to carm down first" Breda says

But unfortunately I can't even listen to her as soon as the taxi stops I open the
door and run to the dog in the pond while Breda pays for the taxi fares.

"Oh look its mum dad " I shouts once I'm in dog in the pond

"I don't have any children look why don't we take you upstairs to carm down"
Sylver says

Mercedes looks scared and worried she looks at me then Sylver.

"Mercedes or should I say mum you look like you going to cry you want to share with
everyone the story of how you left me at the door step of social services " I shout

"You didn't , is she my daughter" Sylver asks

"Yes" Mercedes says

"Why didn't you never tell me " Sylver says he sounds hurt

" You went to prison Sylver I'm sorry" Mercedes says

Before anyone could say anything I ran out of the dog in the pond.

I stop at the folly my faveourite plate in hollyoaks all I can do is cry and cry I'm so
confussed i have more questions then answers how am i going to cope with this.

All of a sudden I feel hands on my shoulders which makes me jump I turn to look to see
who it is.

"I'm here for you " Yazmine says

"How did you know where I was" I ask

"I didn't but I did hear everything you said before you left" Yazmine says

"Sorry you didn't have to come" I say as I wipe away my tears

"Of course I'm being here for you its what friends do " Yazmine says

I give her a smile

"Did you know Sylver/dad was in prison" I say

Yazmine takes a deep breathe and closes her eyes then opens them oh my god she has lovely eyes.

"Everyone knows he went to prison" Yazmine says

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