Chapter Twenty ~Six

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My phone buzzes.

I walk up the stairs to my room and check my phone it's from Yazmine.

Yazmine: morning hope your okay you'll never guess what idea me and
Peri has.

I all most reply straight away.

Me: morning I have no idea what you and Peri have decided on why don't
you both come over.

Yazmine: okay see you very soon.

With that I quickly message Cleo just to tell her that Yazmine and Peri are
coming and to let them up.


After about 15 minutes Peri is here it to sure where Yazmine is quiet add to be fair I do hope
she's okay.

"Hiya Peri you okay ,where's Yazmine" I asks

"I'm okay thanks, she said to me to meet her here and said that she won't be long" Peri reply

"Okay then do you want a drink" I ask

"Sure I'll have coke and why haven't you asked Yazmine out yet" Peri says

Holly shit did I just hear that right did Peri just asked me why I haven't asked Yasmine out
what the fuck has it got to do with her for a start.

"Not being rube but what the he'll are you talking about "I say not looking at her at the same
time hoping that no one hears her big mouth.

"I'm not stupid I seen the way you being looking at her" Peri says as I turn around.

"I honestly have no idea what your talking about" I say as I walk over to Peri with her coke and glass

Before Peri could open her mouth Yasmine walks in.

"Hiya girls"Yasmine say

"Hiya Yaz do you want a drink" I ask

"No I'm fine thanks" Yasmine says

"So what's this idea then" I ask as I have no idea what these 2 been talking about

"Well Ste thinks that Johnny is his brother but Leela don't believe it so we been
thinking why not get a DNA test and find out" Yasmine say

"Plus if they not brother's you never know it might change Ste back" Peri say

I take a few minutes to think.

"For a start don't you have to be over 18 and we need money plus how are we
going to get there DNA"I say simply

"That's there we stuck" Yasmine says

I walk to my room to put my phone on charge as I do my phone buzzes its a message.

Peri: fine as you don't have feelings for Yasmine then you wouldn't mine if I get with her.

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