Chapter Fourteen

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"What did he go to prison for" I ask

Yazmine doesn't say a word just gives me a look the kind that says '
please don't make me ' look.

"Please tell me Yazmine " I ask

" I heard it murder but you should ask Sylver and I heard that Mercedes went
to prison did I'm not to sure" Yazmine says

I put my head in my hands is this really happening.

"How do I cope with all this " I say

"Hey if I can cope with my dad killing him self you can cope with your dad being a murder and
mum being in prison"
Yazmine says

We both just laugh

"What going to happen to me now " I say

"Maybe should go and speak Sylver, Mercedes and Breda that way you will know how they
feel about everything" Yazmine says

"Your right even though I don't feel like it " I say as I get up as does Yazmine

We both walk to see everyone I have no idea how to feel feel or how to act but one thing is
for sure Sylver and Mercedes best not exspect me to call them mum and dad far to soon
for that.

"There you are Yazmine is it okay if I could talk to Sapphire please" Sylver says

"Yeah sure message yeah "Yazmine says while looking at me to make sure I'm happy with it.

I give her a job and smile.

Then me and Sylver sit down at a bench.

"I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable, but I do want to know you your my daughter
I want to get to know like a lead is a supposed to know his daughter" Sylver says

"Do you really mean that" I say

"Yes I was never told that I had you as a daughter if I did things would have been so different
for you and me" Sylver says

"Would you of told Mercedes to get rid of me"I say

"Of course not I would of told her that if she was scared , worried of being a mum or of what
people would say that I would of looked after you bey my self" Sylver says

"Why would she be worried about what people have to say is it because you went to prison" I say

Sylver closes his eyes

"That's part of it the reason I did went to prison... because I killed my step dad Vinnie he was
abusive and this 1 day I just snap Goldie told mum and Vinnie that she's pregnant and let say
he did take it well and its no excuse I shouldn't of don't it in the first place and I wish I could
take it back ,me and Mercedes your mum we are cousins as well we were young I was sentence
for 15 years me and your mum was 20 years old" Sylver says

I didn't say anything for a minute I mean come on what do you say to that.

"Was it just Vinnie that you killed"  I ask

"Yes just Vinnie no body else" Sylver says

"What happens now" I ask

"I'm going to try my hardest to get you to live with me and away from social
services " Sylver says

"I think I would like that" I say with a smile

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