Chapter Twenty ~Five

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It's been a few days and its now school holidays thank god I'm slowly learning that I have a
mum a dad and 2 little brothers Max and Bobby in a few weeks it's my birthday and I'm not
to sure of how to celebrate it or what I want as I never celebrate my birthday but it does feel
nice celebrate it with my family how werid actually is. ( picture of outfit above).

I though I be going to my grave not knowing who my family are which has all ways broken
my heart.

I'm on my way to see if my dad yes my dad wants a drink.

"Hiya how's things going are you okay I ask my dad in my head I call Sylver dad and Mercedes
mum but I have never said it out loud and I never know why.

"Hiya you okay " Sylver asks

"I'm okay thanks , did you want a drink " I ask

"Yeah could you get me a coffee please here's some money get your self something" Sylver says

"I'm confused why would you want to give me money when I can just go home and bring you a
coffee" I say

" it's carrying it from home to here the Bean is a bit closer anyways have you decided on what
you want for your birthday"Sylver asks

"Fair point " I say hoping he don't repeat my birthday

"And your birthday " Sylver says

"I know what I would like" I say I can't help but feel sad

" What would you like " Sylver asks

"What I would like is something that will make me happy but I have a feeling it will upset
everyone" I say as I walk out


I am now in the dog and pond trying to find something to do not that I feel like doing anything

"You okay Sapphire" Cleo asks

"Yeah you" I say but in my head I really want to say to Cleo is no I'm not okay I'm in love with
this girl but I don't want to tell her just in case she rejects me use like every one else plus I don't
want Sylver and Mercedes to leave me if they find out that im in love with a girl they will never
want me around.

I mean come on very parents dream is for there kid or kids is to get married and to have kids of
there own.

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