Chapter Twenty~Eight

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It's the morning and I'm awaken by a message by Peri I don't even know if I want to
read it.

Peri: I bet you wish you could make her this happy but you can't because your a coward
you will never make her happy because you will never tell her the truth what a shame
(picture above is what Peri sent Sapphire)

Before I stop my self I let a big loud scream.

"Sapphire is everything okay" Sylver and Mercedes says as they run into my room.

I have no idea what to say I do is have tears rolling down my face with my phone is my hands.

Mercades takes my phone from my hands and starts to read my messages and she's doesn't
look happy.

"Why has Peri sent you this message for " Mercades asks with a confused look on her face as
well as a pissed off look

I don't say anything all I do is cry Mercedes just grabs some of her clothes.

"Right if you won't tell me I will ask Peri and Yasmine myself" Mercades shouts Sylver trys to
stop her but fails and follows her

I put my head in my hands and get dressed then go out I go to Peris first as I know Mercades and
Sylver are at Yasmines well as least I hope they go there first.

"Hi sapphire is everything okay" Leela ask

"Is Peri in" I ask getting straight to the point

Leela shouts Peri then she comes outside.

"I hope your happy Mercades and Sylver seen that message that you sent me looks like I won't
be staying around here thank to you I have no idea what I'm going to do or where it will ..most
likely be on the streets again because you couldnt leave whats none of ylur god damm business
alone"i say with tears running down my face again.

I then run back to the dog and pond in tears I'm so scared more then I have ever been even more
then when Barry came home drunk ,I know I got to tell Mercades and Sylver but I'm not ready I
was hoping to tell them in my own time.

In a few minutes I'm in my room god sack why doesn't anything go right for me.

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