Chapter Nine

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I am at home in the shower and all I've done is cry and cry

"why is my life so hard and why is it no one likes me what did I do that's so bad"
I say to my self

After I am charmed down I get out of the shower and turn off the shower then
head for my bedroom to get dressed.


I am now in the kitchen Breda , Goldie ,Sylver and Mercedes they are all looking at me.

"How are you feeling love" Breda asks

"Like I've been embarked in front of everyone" I say

"Do you know why this kid did this " Sylver asks

"No I don't even know who did this " I say

"If I was you I would give the Peron who did it a right slap" Goldie says

"No violence is not the answer leave it with Miss St Claire" Breda says

" Here have this and don't worry we will find out who did this to you" Mercades says

I take the drink from Mercedes turns out its hot chocolate.

"Do you want to go into school tomorrow love" Breda asks

"I don't have a choice"I snap

"Yes you do " Sylver says

"If I don't go to school then social services will get involved " I say

Breda , Goldie, Sylver and Mercedes doesn't say anything they just look at each other
then look at me.

"You know it's true" I continued

"Okay then if you want you can have tomorrow off" Breda says with a smile at the
end of what she has to say.

I take a few minutes to think things though this pass week I've been though a fair bit.

"I would like that but who ever did this is nothing like Barry and Ann I can deal with
who ever did this to me or at this find out why they did this" I say while finishing
my hot chocolate

"Finding out who did this and finding out why they did it but to get revenge isn't the
answer" Breda says

"Your right I don't want to end up in prison"I say

Mercedes and Sylver just look at each other.

Oh my god has Mercedes or Sylver been in prison or both.

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