Chapter Thirty ~Nine

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Holy shit I quickly message Peri

Me: I need your help again is there any chance that you can give this letter to
Yasmine please Breda not let me out as I have a temperature

While waiting on a response from Peri I send Yasmine a message

Me:hi Yas Breda won't let me out as I have a temperature do you think
you will be able to come to mine.

I need to get some clothes on before I get anymore ill I change my outfit as I'm not
allow outside.

Yasmine:no you have messed me about all morning I've got enough on my plate
as it is you will have to wait till tomorrow..

Me: please its important to me

Yasmine: I'm sorry but I can't at the moment

I don't sent a message I'm all dressed my only hope is Peri

"Sapphire someone is here for you" Breda shouts

"Coming " I shout back

Please be Peri or Yasmine I say to my self

"Is it okay if me and Peri go into my room" I ask

"Yes that's fine" Breda says

Me and Peri walks to my room

"So what you need me to do for you again "Peri asks

"I need you to give this to Yasmine and tell her that if she wants to talk then it has
to be face to face but if it's today then got to be here with Breda being here" I say

Peri just looks at me like you got to be joking

"If you me and Yasmine to even have a chance the just give her this letter it explains
everything if you don't I don't know if I have the bottle to do it again" I add

Peri smiles and takes the envelope that has the letter inside it then she leaves

"Bye Sapphire bye Breda"  Peri says as she leaves

Oh I do hope she gives Yasmine the letter

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