Chapter Sixteen

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Im back at the folly as i have ho where else to go im on my own I just sit down
on a bench to get my head around everything that's happened.

I have no idea what's going to happen to me and what's more I think I'm falling
in love with Yazmine I don't have it in me to say it out loud to her.

When I think about asking her to be my girls friend I get so scared what if she
don't have the same feelings as I do for her.

The though of being rejected scares me so much and how can I tell anyone what
if my family disown me I only just found out who they are.

My god I'm so sick of this when will I ever be able to be happy and to trust anyone.


A few hours have passed and I'm still at the folly my head is all over the place.

I want to message Yazmine but I don't know if it's because of the fact I'm in love
with her of that I have no one by my side well at least that's what it feels like.

" I  better go see Breda " I say to my self.

As I walk towards the Bean I see Peri.

"Peri" I shout

Peri hears me and comes towards me.

"I am so sick of you talking about me what Barry all most did its not my fault he's a physcopath
and its not my fault that Harley left but I though out of everyone in the village you would be by
my side giving me surport like good friends do for each other"  i snap at her then i walk away.

Peri doesn't come after me but if I'm honest I don't think I'm in any mood to hear anything she
has to say to me.

"Sapphire love how are you"Breda says before I even got into the Bean

"No I'm not okay if I'm have to be completely honest" I say as I'm still fuming from snapping at Peri

"Whats wrong" Breda asks

"Whats going to happen to me who am I going to live with" I say with my hands crossed.

"Sylver wants you to live with him how would you feel about that" Breda asks

"I would like that but what about Mercedes" I say

"Well you to Will have to talk at some point to build a relationship as for you and your
dad you to Will live with me at my farm and we will talk to social services about it"
Breda says

"Sounds like a plan to me " I say

Breda doesn't say anything all she does is smile and gives me a hug.

Me and Breda goes into the Bean.

"Sapphire can we talk" Sylver asks me

Sylver well dad or what ever the he'll I'm meant to call him but if on thing is for sure
I deffo need to talk to Mercedes to find out why she didn't keep me and more importantly
why didn't she come back for me am I really that much of a problem for everyone.

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