Chapter Thirty

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It's the next day Mercades and Sylver haven't spoken to me yet not to sure if they
will every speak to me.

I'm dressed and walk out of my room I see my phone on the side in the kitchen so
I just grab it and walk out of the door amd head for the Folly

With in a few minutes I'm at the Folly and I start to message Peri.

Me: we need to talk meet me the Folly don't tell Yasmine

I don't get a response so I just wait hopefully she will turn up.


After waiting for about 30 minutes for Peri to meet me and she finally arrives.

"Right I don't know what you told Mercades , Sylver and Yasmine in fact I don't even
know what's going on with you and Yasmine what I'm so burnt by is how much of a bitch
your being towards me I've done nothing to you out off everyone in this village I would of
though I would have you by my side supporting me but in fast tyou have made me feel so
alone and for the record if I ever was to be in love with a woman I would either be make
sure it's in secret or make myself stay single for the rest of my life as you have well and
truly put me of" I say

Peri doesn't say anything she just has her mouth open and looks shocked and if I'm honest
I really want to give her a slap.

"I'm sorry but you do need to open up to Yasmine I know have feelings for her" Peri says

"What the hell has it got to do with you" I say

"I'm yours and Yasmines friend" Peri says

"Your no friend of mine you made that very clear all we had in common was  live on the
streets together live in the same village and Yasminethats it" I say

" please don't say that im sorry " Peri says

"Why not I can't trust you not 1 bit" I say

"I was only doing it to get you to tell Yasmine how you feel about her i know what it's like
to be a lesbian once you come out you will love it" Peri says

" oh for God sack you made me feel to never say a thing ... just leave me a lone " I say then
walk away before I slap the bitch.

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