Chapter Thirty ~ Seven

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Im so nervous i have spent most of the past hour choosing my outfit for today
not only that I must of only had an hour or 2 of sleep last night I'm so tired and
I feel so sick its unreal and its only 5.30 in the morning I can't force my self to
sleep anymore I hang my clothes up so they don't get crusted up then I take a
seat on the bed as trying to think if there's anything else I need to add to my
letter I written for Yasmine


"Sapphire ,Sapphire your phone keeps going off" dad says once more

I quickly open my eyes and wipe my face with my hands

"Whats up dad" I say

I think I must off slept a little more thank god I do feel a little better for it though.

"Your phone keeps going off I just though it might be important" dad says

My eyes widen out my dad must of though if they widen anymore then my eye
balls would fall out of my skull like in the first film of pirates of the Caribbean
my god without what horrible site that would be I wouldn't know whether to
kick it away from me , scream or run in the opposite direction

I reach out for my phone and see a couple of messages from Yasmine and 1
from Peri agreeing with me about giving Yasmine and me space I quickly
send Yasmine a message

Me:I'm so sorry Yasmine is there any chance that we can meet at 12

Yasmine: yeah its fine that actually works out better for me Ste and his gang are starting again

Me: do you need me to come to yours

Yasmine: no i should be okay

"Sapphire breakfast" Breda shouts

"Coming" I shout

I so glad that Yasmine is okay with me changing the time I quickly message Peri
just in case she thinks its okay to meet up and message us

Me: me and Yasmine are meeting at 12 instead well that's if Ste and his so called
mates let her out

Peri:fingers crossed hope it goes well don't forget to let me know how it goes

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