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After knocking on Preetho's door Khushi waited for Arnavji. If she is sure, this is the task Arnav is has asigned himself with. After few minutes Arnavji joined her to give a sheepish smile.

"Preetho isn't opening. May be she will open for her new relative!"- She said sarcastically.

Khushi checked the door once again to knock but alas, the big lock from outside is distinctly visible.

She quickly unsteamed a leaf from the nearby tree and scribbled something on it and tuck it to the lock before returning.

"What did you do??"- Arnav frowned. What is the girl upto now when she can easily call Preetho and let her know on her phone.

"Let her get punishment!"- Khushi walked a little fast muttering funny things about Preetho.

"Amanji will come after two days!"- The leaf read.

Khushi took the main road and stopped to hopped on an auto. Let the Bitterguard eating husband use his Harvard brain.

He had never been on one auto still he can't leave her alone to craziness, can he?? Arnav Singh Raizada sit beside her.

The Auto took a sharp turn at the colony end and his chin come in touch with top of her head due to jerking of its wheel. He hold onto her body clinging afraid bit still managed to let her know that he is enjoying a ride.

The auto stopped infront of his own house, Sheesh Mahal. He looked shocked. He was so emerged in enjoying the ride that he failed to notice the direction.

"Khushi"- He said hesitating. Last time it was Di with him, Jeeju, Aman and then all of his family members. But here he is alone this time, with his wife.

His hand began treambling with happiess,  means she didn't forget! to visit her sasural with her husband. His personal package of surprise.

  "Di asked me to take some sacred plate and a sconch from her room as she forgot them last time. Thats it!"- She said much to his interest.

She took the necessity carefully in a cloth bag and then they both left for Gomti Sadan. Amma must be waiting…

   "Khushi! These are mine"- He handover her a pile of photos, his childhood album and many little things, his slam book etc.

Now he have a good childhood memory too along with his awesome present that will give a reason to smile in life.

"Golgappe!"- Khushi said on their way back and in a minute she was infront of the stall asking the vendor to make it spicy for her.

Arnav has to carry their bags and wait along side.

She thrusted one in his mouth and he couldn't even gulp it a go, the water escaped from his corner of lips that she wiped away. It was too spicy for him.

Ice cream! After two lane she was again gone to ice cream parlour ordering for herself.

The auto driver was laughing at his condition!

And this way they reached till their sweet shop and again mad wife was gone and this time she returned with a packet of jalebi in her hand munching one piece.

He gave one unbelievable look at her. Is that her stomach or some dustbin!

Finally the journey come to an end infront of Gomti Sadan.

"Arre O Parmeswari, whats wrong with you. Here she is walking eating sweet and there poor babua is carrying her bag! Is there some shame in you or not!"- Buaji's sound hit his ear.

Arnav gupled a glass of water and pourer another after keeping their thing in room. He was tired clearly. The hard sun outside and glass air conditioned office room are afar from each other. He he had no experience in the first thing.

"Bitwa, its time for dinner. Wash your hands and come!"- Amma invited.

His eyes fall on Khushi, four chappaties and a full bowl of curry and the remaining jalebi!

"Chounk gaye ka Babua!"- Buaji said eyeing Khushi's food.

"You never saw how much she eats, jalebi, Golgappe, Chana, chat, ice cream! And still she is too thin"- He said. He will have to take her tips and give manually to models working in AR.

Our Arnav Singh Raizada kept gaping at the amout of food Amma placed infront oh him.

His hicuping started then only…

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