Part 3

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Chapter 3

"Hey, Kai if you have a problem with sharing the room well we are ready to switch places" Tyson said rubbing his neck.

 "No." Kai said as he threw the terribly burned lunch in the bin.

 "Ray just keep an eye on them I don't want them to be distracted at all cause of someone new around" Kai whispered to Ray "come on Kai... your worries are baseless" Ray said trying to calm the captain down. "worries ?? what happened ?" Arvi asked as she came near them to which Kai just groaned and left "what's wrong? did I said anything wrong?" Arvi looked at Ray confused. "no he is just..." Ray said trying to find the correct word to define his captain.

 "He doesn't like me a bit right?? Arvi said staring at the floor.

 "Hey it's not you... he is just very... umm... very conservative... he doesn't even talk much to the teammates" Ray tried hard to explain "Kai is just different. Don't think too much about what he does okay?" Ray said patting her shoulder. "You are nice. I like you" she grinned to which Ray chuckled not noticing the phoenix groaning in the background.

"Okay, so cause you are new we will just introduce ourselves to you." Kenny said as they sat down to eat "I will go first though I know you don't need my introduction because I am world-famous." Tyson said rubbing his nose "I am Tyson Granger and with me it's Dragoon." Tyson said shoving his blade in RV's face. "I am Max Tate .. my father owns a Beyblade shop and well my mom is with all stars if you must know and this is my bit beast Draciel." Max said in his always chirpy voice" Ray Kon. Actually, it's Raymond but Ray is fine and this is Driger." Ray said moving his hand through his hair. "I am Kenny but you can call me chief too, and this is Dizzi." Kenny said as he opened his laptop "Hey RV. It's nice to meet you" Dizzi chirped from the laptop "the pleasure is all mine" RV smiled back.

"And he is Kai and you do know Dranzer." Ray said as everyone looked at Kai but he showed no willingness to participate in the conversation. "yeah" RV signed "so we have a Dragon, a Sea turtle, white tiger, and a Phoenix... that's pretty cool" RV said "hey" Dizzy hmphed from her laptop "oh and obviously the brain of the team..." RV added quickly " I like her Kenny " Dizzy chirped from the laptop "at least someone does" RV muttered glaring Kai.

"if we are done with stupid chit chat, I would like to see you all in the basement for the training we are already running late" Kai groaned and left "what's his problem exactly?" RV fumed "trust me we are trying to figure that out from ages ." Tyson said as they got up to leave "like maybe am not that likable or something but I Haven't even done anything yet" RV muttered "hey it's all right... if Kai treats you like he does everyone else that means you are normal and that's a good thing" Ray chuckled.

"But you know I really need him to talk to me because he is the captain and well coordination is important you see. If he keeps on going like this how am I going to work properly? I really don't want to disappoint Mr. Dickenson." she whispered "hey, stop worrying it's just Day 1. If you work with the same dedication as Kai expects from us he will surely come around. Kai loves dedicated people" Ray winked at her as they went for their practice sessions.

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