〔Chapter 4〕

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|Next day|
This time I woke up early, my dad already went to work, my mom still in the hospital, my sister in their own place.

I decided to check my phone, since I studied last night. I had 554 notifications from the group chat.


Y/n: okay are you all serious? You guys literally spammed my phone lol
Jin: we forgot your part of this ahaha
Yoongi: your so dumb Jin-hyung, don't blame me. It was jhope and Jungkook

Y/n: I wasn't even blaming anyone omg

Taehyung has entered the chat

Namjoon: we've been waiting for you Taehyung
Taehyung: yes I know, I've been awoken by the recent convos

Y/n: my bad
Jin: feels bad yo
Yoongi: ^^^^^^

Jhope: it's not like your the only one who WAS sleeping

Jimin: why is Y/n up so damn early

Y/n: isn't this everyone's schedule?
Taehyung: nope, but now I can't sleep

Y/n: meet y'all in wackdo?
Yoongi: I'm already here lol
Jin: Ight on my way

Jhope: let me take a shower
Jimin: nfjdksidmdidm oh for gods sake
Taehyung: mk

Y/n: what ab Jungkook?
Yoongi: he'll find out don't worry

A big smile grew on my face, I started squealing. I sound like a seagull


I entered wackdo and I wasn't even shock that I saw Yoongi there, I went up to him "Wusss poppinnnnn." he looked at me.

"What the hell Y/n, are you on crack?" I nodded and started laughing, "You're out so early, why?" I ask too much question.

"My normal schedule everyday." when he said that, someone sat beside us and it was Jungkook. "How the fudge."

He was smiling at me and I creepily smiled back "Sorry I was actually active the whole night." Jin appeared and smacked Jungkook.

"Hyung! What the hell!" I smack him too, "Sleep at the proper time kid" Jin scolded him.

The rest came, and Taehyung was last.

"It's so early, my parents didn't even go to work yet." Jimin sighed, "We literally have school in like 30 minutes." Taehyung said.
"I usually go to school at like 7:15, my house is like damn close." we stared at him with blank face.

"Okay good news." all their faces turned to me, "Spill the tea." Yoongi said.
"Tell us." Jin demanded.

"Don't trust that." Jungkook said.
"You dumb dumb , she said good news so it's good." Hoseok referred to Jungkook.

"Y'all gotta let her talk." Namjoon laughs

"Finally thanks, so...this girl right here..." I said and took a big breath "might move into an apartment."

They gasped and I thought they'd start screaming but they went back to their normal faces, as if the news wasn't surprising.

I gulped down my juice nervously. That was...awkward...

"That's not really a shocking, Taehyung literally lives by himself." Jimin said.

"Freaking big as heck house, but only one person living there." Jungkook calmly said, Taehyung smacked him. "Ow!" he frowned. Taehyung? Living by himself? Must be fun!

"Or maybe now that you know that Taehyung lives by himself, you wanna move into his hou-." Taehyung pushed Jungkook.
I swear to god, Jungkook always gets hurt. He's always that one person.

"That's not happening, I'd rather keep that house to myself. If I were Taehyung though." Yoongi excitedly smiled as his thought of having that house his own.

Wonder what his house looks like...crap what am I thinking.


My forgetful-butt forgot that their going to my place on Friday, I sighed.

It's not like I'm hiding something there, and it's not like it's the first time Hyungs went there.

We bumped into Alyssa on the way to school, and I swear she's clingy. But as always, Y/n looks more cute than yesterday.

But y/n moving in to my house? That means more job for me, great! I love more work.

We arrived at school and they weren't crowding us this time, which is good. But Jae and her group always comes to us.

"So? Party today?" Jae seductively said, "No, we're busy today." she rolled her eyes and looked at Y/n and Alyssa.

"Busy with these?" she pointed at them. "Is your eyesight bad my dear Taehyung?" I took a deep breath. "Or should I ask? Is YOUR eyesight bad too? Look at them! Their much more prettier that you!" I exclaimed and she backed away from my response.

"I have no time letting you protect these two!" she approached Y/n and Alyssa. She swung a slap on both of them.

The principal saw us and immediately stopped us. "Jae, Y/n, and you boys mY OFFICE NOW."

Great, love this.

-Lee Y/n-

"Are you serious? They really ruined us just like that!" I said after hearing all those lectures from the principal.

"Damn Y/n, never knew you're like this when you're mad." Yoongi said, "I only get mad when I have to, they piss me off." I rolled my eyes.

"You could become a delinquent." Taehyung laughs, his laugh is so cute, I looked away blushing and Jimin saw and he smirked.

We walked out of school all serious and hanged out at the usual place. Wackdo.

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