〔Chapter 20〕

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-Kim Taehyung-

When I woke the cold light of the morning was stealing in. It reminded me of the problems I have currently faced ever since that party, in which it happened two days ago. I couldn't help but dwell up to the thought of Y/n disappearance.

A noise coming from the door disrupted my thoughts, as I quickly wiped the tears that landed freely on my cheek. "Yes?" I tried to say without sounding weak.

"Taehyung-ah..." a perceive voice said through the door, it's voice was recognizable it was definitely Jimin. "Can I come in?" he asked, "Go ahead." I said in a deep tone. There appeared a slim, but small figure. Jimin.

He stood there waiting for any actions from me, "I just wanted to apologize for suddenly yelling at you, without properly listening to you're explanation." he said sincerely. It was my fault in the first place, for being "cold" towards her.

"Jimin hyung...it was my fualt in the first place, I didn't put any effort to the friendship me and Y/n had. If it were to be you, you'd make it more excitable and fun." I said lowly, not looking up to him.

I heard steps coming closer to me, and felt huge pair of arms suddenly hug me. "I'm sorry hyung..." I said as tears slowly show up. "I'm sorry too..." his voice muffled as he fully covered his face on my shoulder.

He pulled away and glanced at me, with sorrow and anguish. Jimin grabbed my arm and pulled me downstairs where everyone was waiting in the living room.

I ducked down as they were all focused on the movie they were watching, but everyone's attention caught me and Jimin sitting together. "Woah..." Yoongi spoke, me and jimin gave them the questioning look. "I'm glad ever-." my phone rang and I growled in annoyance.

I stood up, and went outside. Phone caller ID: Eunwon, I cursed under my breath.

I answered the phone, "Hello?" I said, "Kim Taehyung, do you mind if you could pay a visit at work today?" Eunwon said with poise. "What for Mr. Won?" I responded, "I have business with you, according to the information a peasant of mine has told me." what information could that be?

-Lee Y/n-

After hours of driving, which felt like years. We've finally arrived...in the middle of nowhere. The cars behind us stopped, and Ms. Gyeong's men came out one by one. She cleared her throat.

Ms. Gyeong then came up to the gate covered with vines and wild berries around its every metal designs. She sets in her index finger and it automatically detects, the gate slowly opened. She signed all of us to go with her. I hesitated to but the men pushed me.

My jaw dropped from the sight of the mansion. Ms. Gyeong...owns this?!?

It's elegant white pillars standing on each corner of the palatial, and its grand, and private royalty modern design around the plain and, fine old fountain located in the middle. Ms. Gyeong suddenly hoarse at my reaction to her palace.

"This will be yours, and truly yours with you and you're family." she said as she pointed to the mansion. I could not believe it, if I stayed here...this dazzling house would be mine. I smiled at the idea.

We continued to walk until we reached the front door. The butler whom was wearing a black decorous tuxedo greeted us with a smile and signal us to go inside.

I set my right foot on the white polish marble floor and the sound echoed through the long hallways, I look up. A giant exquisite chandelier was hung upon the tall and high ceiling above me. Two curved stairs on each side, as there were lovely maids on each step.

The butler then guided us to the kitchen, everything was marbled- the floor, the countertop. The colour of the cabinet makes it stand out more as it was painted with the grey, with gold knobs on every corner. The dining table which was located to the right- there hung another chandelier, yet it was pleasing to look at. The table in which it was dark grey, filled with many fruits, plates, glasses, and utensils.

"Y/n." I heard a voice call me out but I was still mesmerizing my dream kitchen. "Ms. Y/n," a figure tapped my shoulder and made me jolt in my spot. There, smiled the butler at me. "Dinner is ready." I nodded as I took the nearest seat.

The maid laughed at me, as they waved their hand at me signalling me to go to them. "You went to the wrong seat, in these kinds of occasions...the soon to be ruler is demanded to sit beside the current director." she said softly, "So if you may." pointing at the seat beside Ms. Gyeong's.

Clatters could be heard from hallways to hallways, as the dining area started to fill up with either men or maids. I sighed, I'm not ready with all of this...this is too much for me to take in. Guests that I'm pretty sure is related to Ms. Gyeong smiled at me across the table.

A false gun was fired to the sky, signalling everyone to be quiet. "Good evening everyone, thank you for coming to this celebration as we finally get the chance to meet our next successor in our guild 'Ace'!" everyone stood up clapping to Ms. Gyeong's statement.

"But do not fear! As I will still lead for another five years with these amazing people behind me." she said as she presented the dozens of people behind her. "Now I will introduce the next heritor of this guild." she said and pointed at me.

I was not prepared, I was not presented properly judging from my clothing which was plain sweater. "Greetings, my name is Lee Y/n and I look forward to get along with you all." I said and bowed at them, claps crowded my ear. Ms. Gyeong smiled at me impressively and I softly smiled back.

Everyone sat down, and chatters quickly filled the atmosphere. Ms. Gyeong stood up and signed me to go with her. "Let me introduce you to some of my connectors, try to get along with the. For business reasons." she winked and I laughed at her. Ms. Gyeong isn't that bad...the aura she gives is just...unsettling. "But remember...not all people here have connections with me, so don't give out informations too quick." she whispered.

We went to the first group, in which I assume she has more than ten. "Y/n, meet 'Biters' my very first and close associator of mine." a young boy glanced at me and a big smile appeared on his face. "Hello there Y/n, I am Lee Tae-min the guild leader of 'biters'. It is nice to finally meet you." he said and I bowed.

Ms. Gyeong proposed me to more guilds, and I was exhausted. I could not take the walking and standing much longer. I took a seat near the bar, "Miss Y/n, fancy meeting you here." I turned around and my eyes widened. It can't be...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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