〔Chapter 16〕

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-Y/n's dad 18 years ago-

"Husband of W/n, what do you need from us you betrayer?" the father sighed as he handed the old man papers, "I apologize for my actions, and I am responsible for them. But my wife is pregnant with a child." the father said in anguish.

"What about it?" the man spoke with a deep voice, "What do you wish for me to grant for you're...proposed child?."

"If you may, I'd like to take a request but not a wish," the man gave a questionable look, "Please look after my Wife and my Child." he managed to say while sobbing.

"You're request is a bit dangerous, I'm sure you're aware of that?" the young man cried even more, "Please...I'll take any consequences. But just...take care of them." the man shot a gun.

"I was asking you a question," he points the gun at the young man, "and I am impatiently waiting for you're answer." the man demanded.

The poor man looked up to him, "Wh-what is it for the consequences of protecting my child?" the old man chuckled. "I thought you knew?" he shook his head and the old man took a big breathe.

"Look, I'm about to retire soon, and my child will be taking over this job soon." he paused, "As that next heir retires, I expect you're child to be the next inheritor" the father gulped.

The father was working for a dangerous gang in Korea, he used to be a member of it. Until he had to leave because he found someone he love, and he doesn't want danger for them.

"Are you sure you'd allow us to look after you're family?" the father nodded, "But please...at least let me see my daughter." he cried at the thought of his daughter now knowing who the father is.

"If that is you're request, we have a deal. Don't break it." the old man took out his hand, and the father didn't think twice and shook the mans hand.

-Present Y/n's mom-

There was a knock on my door, "Come in!" I raised my voice. The door opened and their came two black suited guys and a woman in red. "You are Lee M/n am I right??" I nodded knowing who they are.

"I'm here to take you're daughter." the high poised woman said, I clenched my fist, "I currently have no contact with he-" she interrupted me. "Do you know where she is?" I shook my head holding back the tears.

The women sat beside me and touched my chin with her fingers. She smelled like liquor. "Reassure me that you haven't told her anything." I fiddled with my blanket, "I am very sure." I told her.

"What will yo-" she stops me at talking, "The next time she comes to visit you, I want you to tell her immediately." I reached out for her as she stands up.

"But Ms. Gyeong! She is still 18! Won't you give her more time to enjoy her teen-age years?" she breath and came crashing to my face clutching my cheeks. "Does it matter if she's that young? Huh? I've started training since I was one years old!"

"Now imagine if she were to train at 18 years old! When will she become the leader, huh? It takes time and effort for trainings at this situation. It is not easy! Now if you'll excuse me, you better do what I tell you to do, or start considering you're death."

She left, banging the door. I sobbed thinking how I will tell Y/n this...dammit...


It was 7:00 p.m, it has only been two hours since everyone started coming, and the house is packed. There were cups scattered everywhere.

I went upstairs to the washroom, I knocked on it. The figure came out and it was Alyssa.

"Alyssa, you came!" she looked at me, "Y/n what are you wearing?" she asked coldly. "Never mind what I sai-" I hugged her, "Alyssa...I'm glad you came..." I was waiting for her response but she hugged me back.

"I thought you wouldn't come..." I pouted at her, "Hey Y/n...I just wanted to apologize from before." I shook my head telling her not to worry about it. "It was my fault, I took all the time with them and not with you." she hugged one more time.

I'm glad we're both okay again. We heard someone clearing their throat, we looked up and it was Jimin. "Hey girls, do you mind if I go through...y'all are kinda blocking the stairway." we laughed and apologized to him.

"Oh forgot to say, Y/n you look great tonight, you too Alyssa." By that he left, I looked at her and she was red. I nudged her and squinted at her, "No! No! I do not!" I laughed at her.

Few hours came by, Alyssa had to go home. I went to the bar and took some beer.

-Kim Taehyung-

My eyes averted to the sight of Y/n taking beer and start dancing near the pool. This dangerous ass.

One of the guys I know held her by the waist, started rubbing himself on her. I clenched my teeth and drank more beer.

"Woah woah! Take it easy Taehyung!" Jae said beside me, "You're looking at Y/n aren't you?" she scooted closer to me, I nodded.

I watched closely at her movements and she seemed drunk, suddenly the guy and her went inside the house.

I stood up but Jae stopped me, "Let her be Tae, it's her night after all." I shook her hand away from mine and went straight inside.

The house was full of people making out, and I couldn't see Y/n and that dude anywhere. "Have you seen Y/n?" the person nods their head, "She went upstairs with some gu-" I stomped myself through.

I was in front of that room, I held the knob tightly. I opened the door roughly and the dude was forcing Y/n!

I pushed the guy away from Y/n, punched him and kicked him. The guy wiped off the blood on his lips and attempted to fight back, but I smacked him and pushed him out of the room.

I sighed heavily and turned around to see a messy Y/n. She held out the beer and drank more from it. "Taehyung...is that you?" her raspy voice spoke up.

I bit my lip, I sat beside her and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

Don't do it Tae...do-

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