〔Chapter 12〕

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The drive was full of silence, it was killing me.

My heart couldn't stop beating at all.

Am I...in love...with this CREEP??! No! I can't be! It's only been 3 days since I knew him. 3 days only?

A voice said in my mind, "Are you sure, it's only three days?" the voice asked, "Or has it been years since you did." my heart stopped.

A memory appeared, but not clearly.

It was a scene where I was playing with this boy, I couldn't see what his face looks like. I heard crying and found out it was me.

I was reaching out my hand to the little boy, crying non-stop. The boy did nothing but stare with tears in his eyes.

What is going on...who is this little kid?

"Y/n..." I heard my name, my eyesight starting to blur. "Y/n!" Taehyung shouted and my eyes shot open.

"What happened to you?" he asked, "Nothing...I was just daydreaming" I responded. He sighed.

"We're here in the hospital, I'll give you 25 minutes," he checked his watch, "I'll be waiting here." I nodded and gave him a smile.

I entered the hospital, my anxiety catching up to me. Telling me I shouldn't go there, you'll just get hurt. I fought these thoughts.

"Lee M/n please" I nervously said, "May I know who you are to her?" the nurse asked. "I'm her daughter, I came here for a visit" she nodded.

She got up and told me to follow her.

The hospital has always been a nightmare for me, seeing people coughing, sneezing or going through surgeries makes me think as if there's gonna be a zombie apocalypse out of nowhere.

The nurse stopped in front of the door, she looked at me. "Just a warning, if you're mom starts to throw tantrums. Please call us" I gave her a questioning look, tantrums? What for?

"Every time a visitor visits her, just by hearing their voice she starts screaming, throwing things that's near her." I nodded and thanked her. "Thanks" I took a deep breath before opening the door.

I opened the door, it revealed my mother looking out in the window. She turned her head to face me. My hands shakes.

"Mom...what...happened to you..?" there were bruises on her face, scratches and a swollen eye. My mom smiled at me.

"Mom...who did this to you?" I asked her and she broke down in tears. I rushed to her and hugged her.

"My dear Y/n..." she hugged me and caressed my back. I moved back and wiped my tears and smiled at her.

"I'm here mom!" I held her hands, her hands was cold as ice.

I waited for her to settle down before I could ask her any questions.

"Mom, how are you doing?" she shook her head. "Nurses in this hospital don't care to a person like me" she touched her face.

"But who did this to you?" no response. Is she hiding something from me?

"Don't worry about this! I'm okay alright?" she ensured herself but I wasn't.

We talked for 20 minutes straight, talking about school, health and family.

"Last question!" Mom glanced at me, "Do you know...any guy named Kim Taehyung?" she nodded. My heart paced up.

"Who is he?" I asked out of curiosity, "Honey, you said that was your last question" I sighed as I got up.

"Next time I come back, you better tell me about him!" I sticked out my pinky, waiting for her to lock it with mine. So she did.

I grabbed my bag and went up to her, I kissed her a good-bye and left her room.

I'm glad she's doing alright in the hospital, well for now...

I went to the parking lot and saw Taehyung leaning on his car. He looked up to me. "You have 5 minutes left" he said.

"You expect me to go back up there and come back just to finish my 25 minute time?" I said and he nodded.

I can't believe this guy. I can't be falling in love to this guy.

I went inside his car and waited for him. He came with his keys, he turned on the car.

He started to drive with his arm resting on the side. "What exactly happened today?" why is he asking me this now?

"I got bullied, Jimin rescued me, he chased me at the end of the day, and I'm here," I said step-by-step. "meeting your grandma" I laughed but he was serious.

"Jimin was chasing you?" I nodded happily, "I stole his food that's why." a curve formed on his lips.

We came into a stop light, he held my hands waiting for me to intertwine with his. "Taehyung, what are you doing" I asked.

My heart skipped a beat.


-Kim Taehyung-

I held her hand, hoping she'll hold back.

I can't be jealous over something that doesn't have any meanings towards it. I wait for a few minutes.

I but my lips and took my hand away from hers. "Sorry, I shouldn't have done that" I apologized. She shook her head.

"It's fine." she looked at me and smiled. Crap, my heart. Can it calm down for some days?

The drive was full of heartbeats synchronizing. I parked my car in the garage at my grandmas place.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, "We're here Y/n" I said softly at her sleeping figure. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

I got out of the car and opened hers, I stuck out my hand and she gladly accepted it. I opened the door, and the smell of the food blasted in our nose.

Y/n was fully awakened by the smell, God damn I miss these foods.

She hopped towards us and stopped, "You two look like a couple!" she clapped her hands, my eyes enlarged.

"US?" we both said, "COUPLES?" my grandma smiled at us thinking that we get along so well.

I could've just dropped her at her house and made up an excuse.

(Authors smol story: okay my bangs are literally long, I can barely see anything in class. So today I decided to trim my bangs just a "bit" I accidentally trimmed my bangs till my eyebrows, now I welcome myself with a bowl haircut)

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