〔Chapter 10〕

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Before Alyssa could leave I grabbed her wrist. She looked back at me. Emptiness in her eyes.

"What's been happening to you lately?" I asked her, "you were once nice and then you became mean" she rolled her eyes.

"I have no intention of being friends with a person who stole my chance to shine" she replied.

I was shock, I didn't move at all. She spoke one more time.

"You Y/n, you stole it. I came to Korea hoping one of these boys your so close with, will notice me. But they noticed you instead, and you're the exact reason why I changed to this!" she was trying to fight back tears. "You stole it..." she left.

I clenched my fist as anger and sadness filled me up. I chased her in the hallway.

"At least come to the party tomorrow!" I said hoping she'll hear, she gave a thumbs up. I sighed.

I walked up to my locker as a girl pushed me to the floor, they laughed. I looked down in anger. I don't wanna bust out.

"Y/n...Y/n...a disgusting name isn't it girls?" all the girls nodded. I didn't bother looking who it was.

I felt their footsteps coming closer to me, she lifted my chin up and smirked. It revealed Jae's figure in front of me.

"Wonder how the hell Taehyung would like a girl like you" Jae kicked me on the lockers. A loud bang escape in the hallway.

"What's your problem Jae?" I said weakly as I stood up. "My problem?" she giggles.

"It's you honey, don't come in our way with Taehyung" Jae smirking. "Oh look! She stood up guys!" she said sarcastically.

She swung a punch at me, blood dropped from my nose. She kicked me one more time, and punched me one more time.

Well...attempted to. Jimin appeared breathless, giving her a death glare.

"Don't touch her Jae" he said, some of the girls were backing away. "Touch her one more time," he paused to catch his breath "I won't hesitate to hit a woman like you" he clenches his fist.

Jae put up her arms up, giving up. By that she left. Jimin rushed to me.

He caressed my hair and my cheeks as tears rolled down. "You'll be fine alright? I'm taking you to the nurses office" I nodded.

-Kim Taehyung-

I received a text from Jungkook saying Y/n is at the nurses office. I rushed there. My heart wasn't gonna calm down.

I opened the door with a bang, making Jimin and Y/n jolt up in their seats. "Tae-'

I rushed to her, touching her cheeks full of bruises and scratches. "Who did this to you??" I asked.

Jimin signed me to calm down, do you expect me to calm down at this situation???

"She's alright Taehyung, she's not hurt that much." Jimin said, I can't stay still just like that.

"I'll leave you two alone, I'm going to the washroom" Jimin left with that.

The place was filled with silence and Y/n's runny nose from crying. I knelt down at her, she stared at me blankly.

"Taehyung...where were you..." tears escaped her eyes. "I was w-waiting for you to rescue me" she stuttered.

I felt pain and anger rise in me.

"I'm glad you're here now" my heart beats fast as I saw her smiling through her pain. So sudden...

I couldn't hear anything at all but her heartbeat in sync with mine. Her cheeks were all red as I stared more in her eyes.

Her eyes brightly staring at mine as realization hits her too.

I touched her cheeks one more time, getting closer to her. She closed her eyes, I kissed her forehead and my heart started beating even more faster.

"Taehyung..." I laid her down on the bed as she was still in pain. I left her sleeping on the bed.

I touched my chest as it was calming down, the more I distanced myself. The heart beat calmed...what was that feeling?

Alyssa was running towards the nurses office as she saw me and stopped.

"Is Y/n fine??" she panicked. I stared at her blankly and nodded. She ran away and went to the nurses office.

I blinked several times...am I...in love...?


I suddenly woke up, realizing I was still at school. I looked around and saw Jimin sleeping flawlessly on the side of the bed.

I checked my phone, it was almost the end of the day.

I silently stood up trying not to wake up Jimin.

I was putting on my shoes, "Where are you going?" he asked in a deep voice as I got scared.

He laughed, "I'm g-getting ready to go h-home..." I said.

"Getting in whose home?" he asked, "Whose home do you expect me to go home to?" I chuckled at my words.

He got his things ready and went out to the gate with me.

"Thanks Jimin...for taking care of me today" I said looking at him, "Mo problem, as long as your fine' he hugged me suddenly.

By that I left him, he went straight to Wackdo.


"New news sir, Y/n and Jimin are getting closer" I told my boss, I took a picture. "What would you like me to do?" I waited.

"Just let her be. I'll tell you when and what" by that he hung up.

Welcome back Y/n, oh how much I missed you.

Do you remember me?★彡 Kim Taehyung/ffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora