〔Chapter 14〕

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I was sleeping peacefully when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Five more minutes please.." I groaned.
"Miss Y/n, breakfast is ready. Everyone is downstairs." a soft voice said.
I jolted up and I scared the maid.

"I am so sorry, I thought I was at home." I nervously laughed, the maid smiled at me.
"If you want, this can be you're second home anytime"
"No, that would be a bother"
"I'm pretty sure, Mrs. Kim doesn't mind you living here."
"No for real, I'll be okay."

She backed away and nodded, "I've prepared you're clothes for today during the daytime." I gave her a questionable look.

"For the daytime?" I asked,
"You don't remember?" I shook my head.

"Today is you're party, a special one since it's been six months since Sir Taehyung has pulled up another party." she said as she headed towards the door.

"Is that so?" I asked
"Another person will be giving you, you're night time clothes after 5 p.m." I nodded and thanked her.

I got off bed and changed my pj's to my 'daytime' clothes as what the maid would call them.

After a few minutes of trying to figure out where's the back side of the clothe, I finally went downstairs.

My brown silky hair bounces as I take every step, my silky rose dress sways with me. I stepped into the kitchen and Mrs. Kim looks at me with desire in her eyes.

"Wow! Lee Y/n, is that you?" his mom asks, Taehyung couldn't stop staring and I felt uncomfortable. "Taehyung, stop giving her a thirsty stare" his dad said.

I scratched my head from his statement. "Have a seat Y/n, we were just having a conversation about what's gonna happen today." Taehyung gulped hard.

"So first mom, you don't start off the day with a serious ton-" his dad stopped him.
"As I was saying, so Taehyung is pulling up a party tonight, which means him and his friends gets to have this house by themselves." I started to eat as she was continuing with her plan.
"We'll be off going to busan for a meeting, and we'll stay there for a month."

"Does that mean Taehyung will be alone again?" I asked softly.
"Yes, and I'm pretty sure he can have visitors now." she smirked at Taehyung and I turned red.

"Mom whatever you're thinking, I am assuring you it's not what you're thinking." I nodded agreeing with him.
"But we never know," his dad looks at the both of us, "especially at you're age, I don't think you will be able to resist." Mrs. Kim nods.

I stood up, holding my plate signing that I am done. "Oh Miss Y/n, you don't need to put away you're plate. We'll do that for you." the maid said.

"It's fine, I'm used to it." I signalled her to stop. I dropped the plate quietly on the sink. As I came back the stare from his mom gave me chills. It was like she was telling me something.

Breakfast ended, and I have to say...that was the most intense breakfast I've ever been at.

Taehyung was chilling on the sofa, I plopped myself beside him. He jolted, "Yah...Y/n, could you not scare me like that?"

I giggled, "I'm bored dude, can we go somewhere and come back before 5 p.m?" he looks at me.
"I'm busy"
"With what?" I sat up straight. He didn't respond.

I started jumping around the couch he was sitting on, leaning on him, messing his hair, "PLEASE!!!" I begged.

He sighs and gets up, "We'll only go out for a few hours, okay?" I nodded but he kept going, "I'll have to call someone to prepare everything for the party then." he muttered.

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