〔Chapter 9〕

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I finally had the guts to go home, at my own.

My dad has anger problems, just because I didn't answer his calls, doesn't mean he gets to lecture me like that.
He didn't have to tell me not to go home till I fix myself. So annoying.

I opened the door and I was greeted by my sister. "Where were you last night??'" she worried.

"Better ask the old man, I had to stay at my friend's place because of him" I sucked my right cheek.

"Who's that friend?" she asked, "Taehyung, the guy I told you about" I smiled.

"Did anything happen between the both of you?" she checked my body, "No sis, I'm good" she sighed.

"How's mom in the hospital" I asked, I can't help myself but to worry about her.
"50/50 good and bad, she's taking tons of medication and therapy, it's killing her" she took out a small smile.

I nodded, why can't she just stop stressing about things. I sighed and went to my room leaving my sister.

I closed the door behind me and opened my phone, no notifications. Why do I even expect.

I heard my sister talking loud on the phone downstairs, I'm guessing it's her husband again. That man is a creep.

I took a nap, hoping I'll be awake by 30 minutes but it went for the rest of the night. Not bothering to do homework.

~Next day. Taehyung~

One more day and it'll be Y/n's first party here. I hope Yoongi hyung don't bring Jae or else it'll be a mess.

I did my usual routine, and ate breakfast.

I got 30 minutes left, maybe I should call Y/n? I don't know...text her...call her...this is so stressful my god.

I ended up calling her. The phone was ringing and it took 3 rings for her to answer.

Y/n: whaaaaat

She sounds as if she just woke up.

Me: did you just wake up?
Y/n: mhm...what did you want?

Me: oh I was up early, now I don't know what to do with the rest of the time I have haha
Y/n: why me though??? Could've been Jungkook or something.

She yawns and I giggled

Me: heh, he might've slept late with someone last night

Y/n: HA????? WHAT
Me: okay there, your awake good job.
Y/n: excuse me sir, tell me what you just said??

Our call ended up being 40 minutes, we were almost late when we met up at the gate.

Y/n went straight to her class, I was still walking in the hallway when I heard a girl's giggle beside me. I shivered.

I looked to the right and saw Jae and her "man" flirting, she caught me staring. I cursed.

"Why if it isn't my boy Taehyung, how have you been doing?" she said in a sarcastic tone.

"Better than before" I said, the man left us alone together. Not bothering to listen to this drama.

"You know Y/n has been getting in our way, why don't we continue where we left off the last time?" she wrapped her arms around my neck, I flinched.

"If that Y/n didn't have to get in our lovely-dovely time, we could've finished where we had to continue" she paused. "Say, what's your relationship to her?" I licked my top my lip, I'm getting annoyed here.

"I'd rather kill myself than tell you what we both are." she tilts her head. "Then do it, no other choice right? I held my hips in anger.

"What do you want Jae?" she walked around me with her finger trailing on my shoulder, "I want you darling, I want you to take my first" I shook my head from her response.

"I don't wanna get STI, might as well ask your mans" she laughed, "Me? STI?" she laughed even more. "I want you, just you!" dropping herself on the floor and teasingly touching my part.

"I don't need this from you Jae" she pouted, "Then who? Y/n? You know I'm better than her" I chuckled.

"We didn't even try it, how can I possibly know that your better?" she scoffed, "Don't tell me you will try it?" I smirked.

Haven't really thought of that, wonder what Y/n's face would be like.

"It's not like I'll let her take your first" she said, "Those man probably took your first, so I don't know what "firsts" your talking about" I started to walk away.

"Just...let me taste you. Please" I grabbed my crotch and it started to feel itchy, I bit my tongue.

"This is reserved, sorry" by that I left. I need to calm myself down.

She sat still on the floor, I didn't bother to look back.

I arrived in my class, and Alyssa's attention darted to me. I sit beside her.

She stared at me, "Where were you?" she asked.

"Just talking to your boss" her eyebrows furrowed. "Boss?" I grinned, I mouthed "Jae"

She nodded, and the rest of the day went on like that. Nothing special really happens.


Before I could get to the next class, I went to the restroom. Few girls passed me.

As I entered Alyssa was there, and it was only the two of us. She cleared her threat and I went on to a stall.

"Y/n," I jolted, "what's your business with Taehyung these days?" she asked in a deep tone.

"Nothing serious, just friends" I said, "hmm..." by that she left the restroom.

Do you remember me?★彡 Kim Taehyung/ffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon