〔Chapter 8〕

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I went downstairs and Hoseok was there, clapping to Taehyung as he was preparing breakfast.

"Morning." I said, Hoseok jolted up, "Good morning Y/n, I told the others to come here for breakfast." I looked at Taehyung he seemed pissed about it. I laughed.

"Did you sleep well last night?" I was about to answer when Taehyung laughed, Hoseok looked at him.

"Oh I'd like to tell you how many times she drooled on my be-." I covered Taehyung's mouth and gave him a quick glare.

"Huh?" he questioned, "It's nothing Hoseok, really nothing!" Taehyung laughed one more time on my excuse.

The doorbell rang and I ran to it, I opened the door and it revealed a huge guy, muscular.

"You must be Y/n," he smirked at the sight of me, "Do you know where your lovely Taehyung is at?'" I stared at him.

"What's your business with him?" before he could answer. Jungkook appeared, thank god.

"Eunwon, what are you doing here?" Jungkook asked, "Just wanted to talk to Taehyung for a bit." Jungkook smoothly came inside the house.

"I don't think he's free right now. Come back never." he banged the door. I stood there quietly, what just happened...?

"Hyung. Eunwon came." Taehyung was shock, "Did you not go last night?" he shook his head. "Your an actual idiot, that's probably the reason why he came." he signed Jungkook to come to him.

All I saw was Jungkook shaking his head and nodding.

The doorbell rang again, but this time Hoseok gets it.

"So...not to sound creep and all...but who is this Eunwon guy?" I nervously asked, they were shock at my sudden question but I couldn't control.

"Can't tell you anything about him" Jungkook says, "Who? Eunwon?" Yoongi came. "He's basically a mastermind, why is it that hard to say?" Yoongi glanced at Jungkook, "But don't keep asking who he is, all I can say is that he's annoying." Yoongi added one more time.

Jimin came last and everyone dug in their food cooked by Taehyung. "Taehyung is Y/n wearing your clothes?" Jin asked Taehyung, Jimin look at me top to bottom, Taehyung and I nodded, Jimin looked away.

"This pancake is burnt hyung." I smiled at Jungkook, "I cooked some of the breakfast don't kill me." Jungkook covered his mouth.

The whole time, they were all having their conversation while Jimin was quiet.

"Jimin-ah." he looked up from his plate, "Yes??" he replied, "You good there?" he nodded in response.

Jimin has been quiet since this morning it's killing me.

Taehyung was more chatty than the other days, its like Jimin's and Taehyung's mood exchanged.

But one concern, "Where's Alyssa?" everyone stopped and slowly looked at me, "Don't tell me y'all forgot about her." I said.

"She couldn't come she said, she has "work" to do." Namjoon attempted to explain. I didn't believe them, I texted her just in-case. But Taehyung grabbed my phone and shook his head.

I just went with it, when breakfast finished we headed to school.

Hope no one finds out that I'm wearing Taehyung's clothes.

It was almost 8:30 when we arrived there and the students didn't bother looking at them, but to me.

Gossips were everywhere, Alyssa was no where to be found and I had a small panic.
She appeared in front of me but she was with Jae's group. She...changed.

Her attire, her face full of makeup, her attitude.

I waved at her but she gave me the cold glare, I ignored it not being bothered with that action.

Everyone saw that and just went inside their classrooms, "Oh how ignorant can all these people be?" I said sarcastically.

I didn't have time to put up with their stupidness so I went to class with Yoongi.

First period was boring as ever. Yoongi sleeping, and the teacher lectures about stuff I don't care about.

My phone ring, I checked and it was Jimin.

Jimin: u on?
Y/n: yes why?

Jimin: I won't be coming for lunch, I've got practice to do
Y/n: practice? Never knew u play sports
Jimin: do u underestimate me that much?
Y/n: hahaha my bad

Jimin: so what happened last night?
Y/n: nothing much
Y/n: just me giving myself a tour around his house

Jimin: his house is huge isn't it?
Y/n: no..his house is small lmao

Jimin: okay I gotta go prepare

I turned off my phone and I saw Yoongi looking at me.

"What?" I asked, "Weren't you talking to Jimin just now?" he asked

I nodded and he kept quiet, "I see."

The bell rang and I was in confusion.

-Min Yoongi-

Why was Jimin texting her? It can't be already, so quick.

Jimin...are you possibly in-love with Y/n?

I was looking for our usual table when I saw Taehyung waiting in our table full of girls. "Hey." he shouted.

"Sup, what's with all these girls?" he shoo'd them away just like that.

"We were at gym and I beat Jimin hyung at basketball." I kept quiet. "Jimin is being suspicious these days..."
I sighed, wish I know the reason why. At the same time I don't.

"He's rather quiet these days, its scary." Jungkook appeared, "How so?" I asked.

"I've been traumatized by Yoongi hyung, quiet equals mad." I gave him a glare.

A sudden paper hit my head, I looked back and it was Jae, "oops sorry" she covered her mouth.

I stood up and came to her, Jin grabbed me before I could slap her. So annoying!

"Calm your monkeys Yoongi." Jin sarcastically said, I'll kill these people one day. Wether they like it or not.

-Lee Y/n-

I waited for Alyssa in our usual spot, not actually trying to expect she'll come. I checked the time and it was almost over.

I'm pretty I texted her and called her, but still no response.

Then she appeared with group of girls around her, she's one of them now. "Sup Y/n, what did you need?" I stared at her in disbelief.

"It's lunch time Alyssa, where have you been?" a slight curve on her lips appeared, "A place where you don't need to exist." I smiled.

"Where? Hell? Guessing you went there, wait...no! You were already there!" she rolled her eyes.

She mouthed 'Totally' I was about to strangle her.

Just let this day end already, I don't wanna see anyone's face today.

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