Chapter Three- Hermione's POV

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"Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me but everyone around me," I sung listlessly.

It had been a couple of weeks since he had called me a Mudblood. I still got a twinge of Hurt whenever I thought about it. The boy I loved had broken my heart and hurt my feelings when all I'd shown him was kindness when nobody else would.

I had been avoiding him for a long time, barely communicating at all.

One day, he pulled me to the side and gave me a note with the neatest font he could manage on it.

Dear Hermione Granger,

I formally apologise for calling you a Mudblood. It was rather uncalled for and I've felt badly about it. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, although I can't say I deserve it. You have always been there for me when nobody else could understand. I really want to be your friend again and I'd really love it if you would join me for an evening picnic to make it all up. I don't expect you to be all sweetness and light with me, heck I don't deserve that. Hopefully you show up. 6:30, straight after supper. The lake.

Love from Draco Malfoy


My eyes swam with tears as I read and re read the note. He truly was sorry. I struggled inwardly with the choice to forgive him or not. A small part of me thought that maybe I shouldn't straight away as obviously nobody wants to be seen to be a pushover, but my heart dominated me. I wanted to make it all up. I knew he was telling the truth and my twelve year old brain felt true love towards him. I thought of how big he was to admit he was wrong, especially because being a Malfoy meant he never apologised to anyone. I was still wounded of course, I couldn't get over things easily, even back then, but I decided to give him another chance.

Throughout Supper, I stole several quick glances at my blonde beau, and once we locked eyes. His face expressed genuine remorse and he gave me a small smile, not the usual smirk.

I smiled back and ate my chicken.

"So, what's everyone doing after supper?" Ron asked, chomping his steak.

"Ronald, please close your mouth. I'm probably going for a small walk. I just feel like it," I replied, reprimanding him.

He closed his mouth, only to open it again, saying,

"Why a walk? You hate walking!"

I glared at him and he subsided, mouth shutting.

"I just want to see the lake. It looks gorgeous at sunset and I want to see it up close.

"Are you going to see Ice?" Lavender Asked, wiggling her brows.

"Maybe," I responded, giggling.

We giggled together, in the know. Ice was our code name for Draco Malfoy, so that nobody knew who we were talking about.

"Ice?" Harry enquired, brow furrowing slightly.

"Doesn't matter, inside joke," Lavender told him hastily.

Harry nodded but his face showed pure disbelief upon the good looking features.

Lavender and I rushed out ten minutes early to get me ready.

"So, I think you should wear this pink skirt!" Lavender said, pulling out a beautiful swirly skirt.

"It'll look lovely! What about a top?" I asked.

She found one in white with long, elegant sleeves and a diagonal ruffle across it.

I put them on, along with some white tights and I wore some lavender coloured shoes, borrowed from Lavender.

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