Chapter Twenty-Five- Hermione's POV

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I was immensely worried about Harry's well-being leading up to the third task. I knew he was very nervous and he actually did want to win. I had been doing everything I could to help him out for every day since the second task ended.

I was noticeably stressed but even with Lavender's gentle request for me to slow it down, Ron's constant badgering me to stop, Harry's pleads event hough he was grateful I was helping him, Pansy's forceful nature demanding me to calm it and everyone's want for me to stop I wouldn't.

I tiredly returned to my room at about six one night before the task, and found a note on my small bedside table.

Hermione my darling,

Harry is very well prepared now. Thanks to yourself and his hard work and your own dedication to helping him. I feel like you deserve a break and I knew you wouldn't give yourself a minute until the night before the last task. I know you'll want to give him a few last minute reminders but I think you need a break darling. Please don't ignore this. Please show up to the front of the school at seven. There is a winter surprise waiting for you there. I know you like the snow. You told me it used to relax you when you were a kid. Please my love, show up at seven. You won't regret it, I promise,

Yours forever,

Your charming boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. Xx

I read the note and romantic tears started to my eyes.

I decided to get ready and wear something pretty.

I put on a white jumper with criss cross silk material on the back of it and it was white and woolly and pieces of smooth white netting floated off the arms.

I wore my best skinny jeans and put on my warm trainers.

I tied my hair in a ponytail halfway up my head and let some strands frame my face at the sides and left my fringe half parted and wavy to my cheeks.

I dabbed on some gloss and eyeshadow and powdered my face before heading down to the front of the castle.

What I saw next dazzled my eyes.

There were delicately manufactured ice sculptures and when I looked closer, there were several of Draco and I, many of us with our friends and they were breathtaking. All crystallised and shining in the dark night.

Cool flakes of snow were in a flurry all around me and the ground was cosseted in a blanket of fresh white snow, all glittering and bright startling white.

There was a little ice rink with pretty ice that changed colour whenever you wanted and there was a small table of refreshments.

I took in the gorgeous scenery, a huge smile on my face and felt instantly calmer.

I breathed in the crisp night air and I sighed contentedly.

"You look lovely. Pity imma do this!" Harry yelled and chucked a snowball at my back.

I shrieked.

"You'll pay for that one!" I yelled back and pelted him with snowballs.

Ron, Lavender, Blaise, Theo, Pansy, Ginny (she had started hanging out with us) , Luna (same with her) and Draco all began to include me in a huge snowball fight and we pelted each other, screaming loudly and running round like children, laughing uncontrollably as we did so. We threw so many snowballs around and I delivered a large snowball to Draco's hair.

He instantly threw one at my face and I licked off the remaining snow in happiness.

When we all got too out of breath, we went onto the ice rink.

"Care to skate?" Draco Asked me, offering me his hand, which I gladly took.

He waltzed me around the ice and at first I slid all over the place but I became swifter and managed to skate with more precision and control.

"This is just what I needed , thanks everyone!" I said gratefully.

"No probs! You've overworked so much! You deserve it!" Ginny grinned.

"She's right and you deserve this too," Draco said and kissed me fully on the lips in front of everyone, snogging me lightly.

His kiss made me warmer. His kiss made my heart beat faster and I got butterflies and my breath was taken away toy eh extreme point where I thought I'd never breathe properly again. He made me feel perfect. I loved him so much and I put so much love into that kiss and he put his arm around me when We stopped.

"Come on, let's go get some warm cocoa," Pansy said, and ushered us all inside.

"Hey, where did Lavender go?" Asked Ron.

"She walked away when Draco and Hermione were kissing," Luna answered quietly.

"How did she look? Is she ok?" I asked.

"Hopefully But she didn't look too happy," Luna said.

"Oh. Well I'll talk to her later, perhaps she'll get cocoa with us if we see her." I replied.

I thought about it as I walked inside. She seemed so happy when she was snowball fighting with us all. Was it the kiss she wasn't happy about. My mind flickered back to when she had her arm over Draco as she slept, the way she had been acting lately around him. It was then it clicked. She liked him. More than friends. She had a crush! I knew I had to handle this with extreme tact and I had to confer with the gang first before we made any rash choices.

I wasn't going to be horrible. She'd helped me through too much . She was like a sister and my best friend all in one. I couldn't cut her out. She was Lavender for god sake. The trouble was, I knew her too well so I knew I had to be cautious with all of this.

I sipped my cocoa with the others and had a right laugh. We even played truth or dare for a while and kiss marry crucio, which Draco was reluctant to play because of the crucio part but I clutched his hand so reassuringly.

When we got super tired, the girls all cane to our room and the boys all went to the boys Gryffindor dorm as we were in Gryffindor tower.

I thought Lavender was asleep, but as I was about to drift off because everyone else had fallen asleep, I heard her say something to herself.

"I want Draco. She's my best friend but I can't help being jealous! He's so amazing! I love him. I wish he was mine. I love Hermione but at the same time I hate that he's hers!"

She turned over and went back to sleep and this confirmed my theory.

"Pansy?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" She said, wide awake, different to what I thought.

"Did you hear that?"I asked.

"Loud and clear" she nodded.

"We will sort this after the task," I promised, vowing to remember to talk to her about this.

I settled to sleep and tried to divert my mind from Lavender's crush on Draco to the task but it wasn't all easy and I barely got any sleep whatsoever. This was serious.

A/N: Ooooh! Some drama to go on. The third task will take place and then we will get more into the Lavender loves Draco scenario. Love you all my BonBons love from PotterheadBonBon 💗💗

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