Chapter Four- Draco's POV

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For weeks after our lovely picnic, we met up as often as we could. We ended up finding out a lot about each other, even our deep secrets. I didn't find it easy to open up at the best of times, but with Hermione, it was so much easier. I still called her Granger most of the time, but obviously out of habit. One day, we discussed our friendships and foes.

"So, Hermione, is there anyone who is your enemy? I mean, you gotta hate someone!" I enquired, eager to find out who perfect Hermione Granger didn't like.

"No offence, I'm not keen on Crabbe and Goyle," she muttered.

"I don't blame you. They kinda got foisted upon me and it's only because our fathers are friends," I explained.

"I do like some Slytherins though. I mean, Pansy has never been remotely mean to me, same for Blaise," she said lightly.

"I guess Flower Power is nice, albeit scary!" I laughed.

She chuckled and smiled at me.

"What's your family like?" She asked me.

I was dreading this.

"Well, my mother is lovely, but she isn't always at the Malfoy Manor," I told her.

"What about your father?" She pressed.

"You've met him the once, but he can be ok and he's good at being manly. I guess he's wealthy, but... he isn't always nice, he can be downright cruel to me as much as my mother sticks up for me. I'm used to it though. It's horrible but I guess it teaches me to endure pain," I struggled.

"He hurts you?" She squealed.

"Yeah, but they're not full blown painful curses, he just smacks me across the face or shoves me mostly, even though if I've been really bad or disappointed him, he will occasionally hit me with a stick," I shuddered at the memory of the last time he had hit me and my voice went shaky.

She picked up on this instantly, and she threw her arms around me in form of comfort, probably feeling words weren't enough and she was probably barely able to comprehend the thought of being hit.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Don't worry about me. Don't tell ANYONE though!" I warned.

She shook her head and her beautiful bushy hair bounced.

"I won't, I swear. " she promised.

"Do your parents ever hit you?" I wondered out loud with interest.

"No! They don't! They have never laid a finger on me! They rarely shout at me, let alone inflict any violence upon me," She said, like she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"Well, you must be lucky. I wish I had people like that," I said wistfully.

"You have me and you will always have me. I promise. Next holidays is Christmas, so I can write to my parents to ask them if you can stay with me this year if you want." She offered.

I looked at her and almost kissed her! She was so kind!

I took in her eager expression upon her sweet, innocent face and knew I couldn't say no.

"Of course I'd love to! Hah is if your family don't mind! My family will let me, I'd go regardless, no matter the consequences!" I agreed happily.

"Good! Also, Lavender is staying too," she told me.

"That's cool! It would've been great us two but three can make things really fun and I can get to know her more too!" I said, positively elated.

We smiled at each other and I went back to my dormitory when the bell sounded.

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