Chapter Thirty- Draco's POV

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Hermione was nervous from the beginning of the morning. She was already awake by seven and she was shaking me awake.

"Five more minutes," I mumbled and I whined in complaint after she shook me.

"Don't make me tip water on you!" She said threateningly.

"I don't care,"

"I'll throw your hair get down the toilet,"

"You wouldn't!" I said, sitting bolt upright.

"Oh yeah," she wiggled the bottle with a mischievous look.

"Fine! I'm up!" I surrendered.

"Good, now get dressed," she nodded in approval.

I obliged with some form of reluctance dampening my demeanour as I did so. I knew she was nervous but I was so tired.

I threw on my shirt and smoothed down my crumpled trousers and polished my shoes quickly.

I slicked my hair into its usual floppy, shiny hairstyle and I decided to spray on cologne after I'd brushed my teeth.

I emerged from the bathroom and no sooner than I'd put my carefully polished shoe over the dividing line, Hermione clung to my arm and dragged me to the Great Hall, where she bolted down her food even quicker than Ron!

"Calm down."

She gave me a death stare.

"I'm fucking hungry!" She snapped and bolted her food down even more so.

Ginny grabbed her arm and told her quite fiercely to calm down and she sat in a sulk until I kissed her cheek.

She began to shake with sobs in my arms and I was overwhelmed. I hated seeing her feeling despair, to any extent, no matter how big or small.

"Shhhhhh, it's ok." I soothed, receiving looks from several Gryffindors.

"I think we should go to Dumbledore and get permission," she suggested, crying ceasing abruptly.

I was startled by the sudden ceasement of the tears but decided to let it slide.

When we reached Dumbledore's office, we stood side by side and I could tell Hermione was reluctant to let go of my hand.

"Mr Malfoy, Miss Granger. What can I do for you both today?" He enquired, surveying is with A small smile through his half moon spectacles.

I cleared my throat nervously, about to speak up, when Hermione stepped forwards with a sudden bout of confidence.

"We would like permission to go into the muggle world. We have some news to share with our friends and we want to give them a treat rather than springing it upon them so to speak," she said clearly with explanation enunciated and with clear purpose.

He looked deep into her eyes and at me.

"You say we, Miss Granger. Just you and Me Malfoy yourself?" He asked.

"Nope, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley and Draco and Myself," came her response.

"I see. Well, I will let you go, provided you do lessons first. You can miss supper time and go at about half past six if that suits you all fine. The gates shall be closed at Ten, so if you aren't back by then, you will be stuck for a whole night. I shall inform Mr Filch and my other members of staff." He said, granting permission Graciously.

"Thank you Headmaster," I said politely.

"You're welcome," he said, regarding me with no grudges, all kindness. Perhaps he sensed I'd turned over a new leaf, after all, he was the most powerful wizard of all time!

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