Chapter Thirty-Three- Hermione's POV

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I squeaked with excitement when I saw my friends from Slytherin come over, but Draco wasn't with them.

"Hey you guys! " I said cheerfully.

"Hi," Pansy replied, tickling Divinia under the chin.

She giggled and held her arms out to Pansy and I handed her to her.

"Anyone seen Draco?" Blaise Asked.

"Nope, Harry?" I asked.

"They're probably just hanging out together," Theo said.

"I'll give you a warning. He might be a little more changed than he was before we left," Pansy Warned me.

"It's Draco. I can handle him. He loves me so he won't hurt me with intentional means at least," I said, my faith in Draco very strong.

Harry approached the table and I fussed over his nose, which was covered in blood.

"What happened?" I asked, scared.

"I'll explain more later. Just keep your asshole of a boyfriend away from me Hermione," he replied, nose dripping.

I gave him a tissue to prevent the blood from falling.

I looked around and finally saw Draco. I'd spotted him once in the holidays and he'd given me a brief smile, but because he was with his mother, he couldn't come over.

I rushed up to him and threw my arms around him.

"Oh Draco! I've missed you!" I exclaimed.

His arms went around me gradually, but his hug was stiff and ended pretty quickly.

"Missed you too. Where is Divinia?" He asked me, his voice a little stranger than normal.

I was puzzled as to why he was so icy, but I took him over to everyone.

"Harry. I'm sorry. Something came over me I couldn't control. Please forgive me," Draco said, extending a hand.

Harry hesitated and perhaps saw the truth in Draco's eyes as did I.

"Apology accepted. Luna did a good job fixing my nose anyways," he smiled wanly.

He nodded at Everyone to greet them before holding Divinia. His eyes misted over and I swear I saw glistening tears come to them as he smiled at her. It wasn't a proper smile though. He'd lost some of his charm, sparkle and his happiness which had cancelled out all his old demeanour.

"Diva Divinia, Hi!" He said, hugging her gently and carefully. Her cheeks were all rosy and red and her eyes glittered when she saw him and her tufts were beginning to become sleek and wispy.

"She's missed you. She's been pining for you." I told him with a smile.

"Bless her." He replied, not returning my smile but glancing at me swiftly, and then averting his attentions back to Divinia.

I was very confused. Had he been put under the imperius curse once again?

I took Divinia off him when we sat down and she sat in her high chair. I was worried but Draco insisted she would be fine.

"I have to speak to you later Draco." I said.

He didn't acknowledge me.


"DRACO!" I yelled.

He looked at me and his expression hardened.

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