{III} Tony

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I can't believe this guy. He's the luckiest kid alive to have me as a step-uncle. And all he can do is gape at me? Unbelievable.

"My mum doesn't have a brother." Percy finally managed to say.

"Yes, she does. Sally Jackson is my step-sister. Come on, I'll explain in the car." I got up to leave.

"Where are we going?" The girl asked.

"Pack your things. We're going to Stark Towers." I replied awesomely.

"To visit or live?" Percy asked cautiously.

"Live of course. You've still got months until you turn 18. The court has stated that you will live with me until then. Longer if wanted or necessary." I explained.

"I guess I have no choice in the matter?" I shook my head at his ridiculous question. I watched him slump into his room and throw a few items into a box. His girlfriend packed some clothes into a bag.

"Come on then," He said reluctantly. "Let's go."


"Welcome back Mr Stark," Jarvis sounded over the speakers. I laughed at Percy and the girl as they jumped at the voice.

I turned to look at them. "I'm sorry, but I never found out your name."

"Annabeth Chase." She answered. I guided Percy and Annabeth into the lounge and directed them to the sofa.

"Tony," Came a voice from down the hall. "I need you to sign some paperwork from the... Oh, hello. I'm Pepper Potts. Honey, can we talk a minute?" She dragged me out of earshot away from the kids. "Why didn't you warn me he was coming today? And why are there 2 of them?"

"I was driving by their house and she was there when I arrived. I couldn't just leave her there could I?" She gave me her annoyed look. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you tonight." I walked back over to the kids. "So? Who's hungry?"

A couple of hours had passed. Percy and Annabeth had gone to Percy's new room and one of the robots was attempting to make some sort of dinner. Pepper ended up taking over. Every time I walked past Percy's room I heard something about some kids at a camp and their siblings. I got very confused.

Thor, Clint, Natasha, Steve, and Bruce were coming over for dinner, so I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce my new step-nephew to them. They had all just sat down when Percy and Annabeth came in to join us. There was an awkward pause.

Thor broke the silence. "Hello there. I am Thor, son of Odin. Who are you?"

"Uhh... Hi," Percy replied. "I am Percy, son of Sally."

"Are you mocking me?" Thor asked sternly.

"Oh, no, Thor, son of Odin. I would never mock you." Percy replied making the rest of the table snigger. Annabeth elbowed Percy's side.

"Guys, this is my step-nephew, Percy Jackson and his girlfriend, Annabeth Chase. He's living with me until he turns 18, but I'm not sure about her." I informed them.

"I'm not living here. Just visiting." She reassured me, which was lucky. I only need one moody teenager in my building.

"Oh, and Percy, meet Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, and Thor. They are the other members of the Avengers." I told him while pointing to the person in question.

"Oh, ok. Cool. One question. What's an Avenger?" Everyone's faces when he asked that question were priceless. The shock. The horror. It mortified them.

"Oh yeah. They've never heard of us. Did I forget to mention that?"I laughed.

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