{XIII} Percy

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When Thor saw Clint kneeling down in front of him, he snapped out of the daze he seemed to be in. He didn't quite know what was going on.

"Thor, from the moment we met I knew there was something between us. Something more than just mere teammates. You could say there's a spark between us." Clint looked around the room and everyone just sighed. I laughed a little though. What? It was funny. 

"Tough room." Clint continued. "Anyway, Thor. I have loved you since the moment I set eyes on you, in the pouring rain, fighting a huge security guard, and then struggling to pick up your hammer. I actually started rooting for you. You looked so vulnerable. It was cute. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I love you Thor and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Thor, will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes, of course, I will." Thor took the gummy ring and ate it. He then picked up Clint and swung him over his shoulder.

"Umm, Thor? What are you doing?" Clint asked. "Can you put me down please?"

"No can do, fiance. Oh, how exciting. We're off to a magical land of lights and alcohol to get married." Thor walked to the window.

"You mean Vegas?" I put forward.

"No, he does not mean Vegas, because we're not going to Vegas to get married. You're just kidding, right? Thor?" Clint started to panic.

Thor turned around to face us and winked. "Where's Mjolnir? We have a wedding to go to." Thor's hammer flew into his hand and he faced the window again. Clint's face was a picture to be framed and put next to 'The Scream'. That's right, I know my art. Sort of, I know 'The Scream' and 'The Mona Lisa', that's about it.

"Bring us back some cake," Tony yelled as Thor started to swing his hammer.

"Thor? You do know I'm married right? With kiiiiii..." Clint yelled as they flew off.

"Why did he wink at us?" Annabeth asked when they left.

"Because when Thor and I went to take the pizza boxes into the kitchen, I told him that I was gonna dare Clint to do that," Natasha explained. "Thor said he'd be happy to be in on it and said he would pick him up and fly him around for a minute before bringing him back."

As if on cue, they flew back through the window with cake.

"I put him down to buy a cake and he ran off, so I flew after him and brought him back." Thor handed the cake to Tony and put Clint down. Clint staggered around for a minute.

"What happened? Am I married?" He looked at his hand and saw a wedding ring. He put his hands on his head. "Oh gosh, what am I gonna tell my wife?"

"Clint, it's ok. That's your wedding ring from the marriage with your wife," Natasha explained. "It's ok, you're not married to Thor." Once the realisation hit his face, we all burst out laughing.

"Ugh, I hate you guys," Clint huffed and slumped down into a chair. He waited for us to finish laughing. "Anyways, my go." He rubbed his hands together maliciously and looked around the room. "Annabeth, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to get rid of that spider on the wall."

"Oh, no. That's ok. You can give me a harder dare." Clint must have seen the fear Annabeth was desperately trying to hide.

"Nah, I quite like this dare. Just get a cup and a piece of paper and chuck it out the window." Clint smirked.

"Wait," I said. "Where is it?" The spider had disappeared and Annabeth froze, fear in her eyes.

"Are you scared of spiders?" Bruce asked. Annabeth didn't move. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Guys, we have to find that spider." I started to panic. That spider could have attacked Annabeth at any moment.

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