Author's Note

8.8K 97 0

I've uploaded 10 chapters now, and I'm working on an 11th, but I thought this was as good a time as any to tell you about my other (sort of) book.

It's called 'Something We Never Expected' and it's about 2 girls who get adopted by a famous band who they don't know. It starts off in the care home where they are badly abused by the kids and then it progresses to what their life is like with the band.

The book is written by myself and a friend, but they aren't chapters a such. They are a bunch of short stories that all make sense next to each other. It's a bit quirky, but it's also a good story. (If I do say so myself.)

It would mean a lot to us if you guys would go and read it.

Please vote, comment, share and follow. I'm following everyone back.

Later gators :) x

P.S. Forgot to thank everyone for the 1K reads, so thanks

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