{XV} Steve

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"Friday? How are Percy and Annabeth?" Bruce asked the A.I.

"No changes." It replied.

"And what of the citizens of Sokovia?" Steve questioned. It had been 3 days since Percy and Annabeth had fallen asleep and in that time, Vision was created, Ultron was defeated and Sokovia was destroyed. Clint and Natasha were debriefing Fury.

"Slowly recovering," Friday answered. Wanda was still grieving over her brother but jumped at the A.I's voice. The news of her home town made her show a little relieved though.

"Who's Percy and Annabeth?" She asked in a very strong Russian accent.

"Tony's nephew and his girlfriend. They fell into a sleep coma 3 days ago and there have been no improvements since." I explained.

"Sleep coma?" She asked.

"It was strange," Bruce explained. "They started screaming. Both of them, in their sleep. We took them up to the lab, but we only really have one bed, so we put them on it and they stopped screaming. They haven't woken up, but they've been groaning and wincing. Sometimes screaming again."

At that point, Tony ran down to the workshop and Bruce followed.

I showed Wanda and Vision into the lounge where Pepper met us.

"Hi, I'm Pepper. It's nice to meet you. I'm glad there's another girl around. At the moment, I've only got Natasha living here and Annabeth visiting every day." Pepper explained. She lowered her head as she mentioned Annabeth. I think what happened hit Pepper and Tony a little harder than the rest of us.

"Are the guys a lot to handle then?" Wanda laughed.

"You could say that." Pepper also laughed.

"HEY!" I exclaimed.

"Hi," Pepper answered. Not the response I was looking for, but they walked off before I could say anything else.

"Let me give you a tour." Pepper stated as she led Wanda away. "You know what Wanda? I think you'll fit in just fine." The two women disappeared into the hall and all we could hear was their laughter.

"I will be heading back to Asgard. I have unfinished business with my brother there." Thor said before flying out the window. That just left Vision and I.

"I need to go and find Tony and Bruce. Do you know your way around?" I asked him.

"Before I was Vision, I was Jarvis. I have the schematics of this building memorised. I think I'll be fine." He explained.

"Ok. Well, see you at dinner then." And with that, I ran down to the workshop.

"Tony?! Will you stop blaming yourself? It's not your fault this happened!" I heard Bruce shouting.

"But I should be doing more to try and wake them up!" Tony shouted back.

Bruce sighed. "What can you do? We've tried everything but throw a bucket of water over their heads."

Tony's face lit up but dimmed when I spoke up. "Let's not do that. If it doesn't work they'll just be wet and uncomfortable."

"How long have you been stood there?" Bruce asked.

"Long enough. At the moment, there is nothing we can do but wait it out. I'm sorry Tony."

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